Chapter 11

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I woke up early.  I mean I say early, but it was 10:30.  Josh and Matt were coming over to help me pack up.

Matt came with some big brown boxes and Josh brought a speaker. We put on some vibey music and packed up my clothes first.

You'd think it'd be a really sad day for me, but it wasn't. We actually had a really good time making jokes and laughing while packing my stuff.

We taped up a box that was filled with my bed sheets because I wasn't going to be needing that any time soon. Then we finally got my valuables like my Xbox, laptop, and switch.

It took us about four hours, but we finished. Josh and Matt took everything to the car and we went back to their apartment.

We had just finished moving my clothing boxes up when Josh spoke.  "So (Y/N), I'm going to be going out of town for like three days so you can use my room."

"Also I'm going to be visiting my family up in Palm Beach for like four days."  Matt said.

"So pretty much you'll be getting the apartment to yourself for a bit."  Josh said.

"Well, when are you guys leaving?"

They looked at each other and then Josh said, "About three or four hours."

"Okay, that's fine."

"Just don't mess up your date tomorrow." Matt said.

"Chill. I'll be fine."

After they left that night, Corey started texting me.

Corey:  Can't wait to see you :)

Me:  Haha hopefully the Heat win too

Corey:  Ofc
Corey:  Let's make a deal

Me:  What kind of deal

Corey:  If the Heat win tomorrow then we go out on another date

Me:  But what if you hate tomorrow's date

Corey:  Naw that won't happen

Me:  We'll see about that
Me:  I'm gonna say no to that offer
Me:  Let's just have fun tomorrow and see where it goes

As much as I hated to admit it, I still really liked Tyler.  Even thought I'm pretty mad at him and think he's kind of an ass, I wish it was him that saved me from that creep.

I went to sleep in Matt's room because it smelled a lot less than Josh's room.  I was excited to go to tomorrow's game.

As usual, I woke up at noon and just chilled for a bit.  I played some 2K and went through Matt's stuff.  In his night table there were so many expired condoms that I didn't know whether to feel bad for him that he never got any action or to feel bad for whatever girl he recently slept with.

When it was finally time to go, I left the apartment and saw Corey waiting outside with a limo and flowers.  I hated that, but I wasn't about to be rude.  I gasped and thanked him so much. 

We finally got the arena and when we got it I realized something.  Tyler got us court side seats.  I don't even know if he remembered. 

The game was against the Hawks.  They were doing terrible so I thought it'd be an easy win.

It felt really weird being that close.  Corey was amazed and was wondering how I even got these tickets.  I was wondering why I agreed to go to this game with Corey.

People kept staring at me and I couldn't figure out why until I realized that I had a massive bruise on my cheek from where I landed.  The players were warming up and I don't think Tyler even noticed me, despite the fact that I was staring at him.

I didn't know how to even feel.  Angry?  Sad?

He checked into the game towards the end of the first quarter.  That's when he noticed me.  He looked surprised and then when he saw Corey, he looked upset and confused.

He kept on looking at me.  Corey kept on talking about his family and how his dad became a millionaire, but I really wasn't interested in what he was saying.

Tyler played terribly.  He played for half the game and went 0 for 6.  The game went into overtime with the Heat winning and everyone started celebrating.

"You've been really quiet."  Corey said out of nowhere.

"Oh, yeah.  Uhhh... sorry."

"Wanna head back to my place or something?  We can have my chef cook something for us."

I couldn't even hide my disinterest at that point.  "Look Corey, you seem like a nice guy, but I'm tired and I think I'm just going to walk home."

He looked surprised.  "Oh... okay."

Then he walked away and left.  I waited a couple minutes to leave before I left so that it wouldn't be awkward and we wouldn't be leaving near each other.

I was turning to leave when I felt someone pull my shoulder.  It kind of scared me.  I turned and was surprised to see Tyler looking angry at me.

"So you don't talk to me for like a week and then show up to my game with a date?"

I got so angry, but tried hard to stay calm.  "What are you even talking about?  You literally texted me saying you weren't interested and then blocked me."

"What text?  I never sent a text."  It was obvious that he was getting angry.

"Stop acting dumb."

"And what the hell happened to your face."

"I'm sure you'd like to know."  I started to turn away, but then he grabbed my shoulder again.

"Stop touching me!"

"No!  Who even is that guy?"

"No one!"

"Did he do that to you?!"

"Of course not!"

"You know, if you weren't into me then y u should've just told me."

"You're such an asshole!"

"Why?  Because I paid for you to come to my game and bring your own fucking date?!"

I pulled out my phone and showed him the text.

"I never sent that!"

"Well, apearantly you did."

"(Y/N), you have to believe me."

"Why should I when you just yelled at me?"

Suddenly, he looked like he just realized something.

"I know who it was.  It was Jimmy.  He doesn't want me seeing you."

"So you're not gonna?"

"No.  I want to," he grabbed my waist, "I really want to.  I really liked you.  I haven't even been playing well because I can't stop thinking about you and I don't know what happened to your face, but I wanna kill whoever did that to you."

"I was assaulted.  Matt tried to text you using my phone, but got blocked me."

"I'm sorry.  It wasn't me.  I wish I could've been there.  You know that I would never let anything like that happen to you."

We just looked at each other for a couple of seconds.  Then he spoke again.

"Please... give me one more chance."

There was a long pause before I responded.


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