Chapter 9

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While we were cuddling I saw that Tyler had an Xbox.

"Is that an Xbox?"

"Yeah, you play?"


"You play Fortnite?"

"I mean, I'm really bad at it, but yes."

"Okay let's see it."

Tyler got up and turned on his Xbox. He changed the input to HDMI1 and opened Fortnite.

"I haven't played this game is so long." I said.

Just as I had imagined. I fucking sucked ass. Legit my building was just as slow and bad as before.

"I've seen worse." Tyler said.

After an hour of Fortnite, we spent like two hours playing Rainbow Six Siege.  Tyler criticized me for always choosing Caviera for defense because apparently she's not a good choice.  I was better at Rainbow, but still not great.  It was fine though because neither was he.

I must've been so tired because I fell asleep on his couch while he was playing.  We woke up sleeping on opposite sides of the couch.  We both looked like hot messes.

Tyler was yawning and he looked over and saw the clock. 

"Fuck."  He started freaking out and grabbed a bag and started putting his shoes on.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm late to practice.  Got to go.  Talk to you later.  Bye!"

Just like that, he was gone.  What the fuck was I meant to do now.  Tyler must've been in such a rush because he left his phone on the kitchen counter.

I got up to go get something to drink. His phone started buzzing like crazy. I walked across the kitchen to see who was texting him and saw that it was Jimmy Butler.

Jimmy: Bro where r u?!??

Jimmy: I told you this girl was no good for u

Jimmy: You better get ur ass to practice in 5 seconds before I find u and go beat ur ass

Jimmy: This better not happen again

Oh shiiiiiiit. I thought to myself. That doesn't sound very good.

I called Matt to come pick me up because I did not want to be there.

"(Y/N), what happened?" Matt asked as I got into his black Mazda 6.

"Nothing, he just had to go to practice and I needed a ride home."

"No! I don't care about that! I meant did you finally do the nasty or what?"

"Do the nasty?"

"Yeah, it's the thing people say!"

"Okay, sure." I said sarcastically.



"Damn, even I got lucky last night."

"I don't wanna rush things."

"Bro, your body count is low."


"Aaaaand, it wouldn't be so wrong for you to wanna get some every once and a while."

I shot Matt a very confused look and then a very "what the fuck is wrong with you" look right after.

"Okay, sorry. Sorry."

We went back to my apartment and sat on the couch.

"You look a little weird, (Y/N)."

"Weird how?"

"Like pissed at something."

"Well, this morning I saw that Tyler had some texts from Jimmy butler and I don't think u was meant to see them."

"What'd they say?"

"Stuff like, "this girl is no good for you" or some shit like that.

"Oof.  Why is that any of his business?"

"Cause Tyler was late to practice and I assume this isn't the first time."

"Well tell Tyler to get his ass up before practice next time."

I laughed.  "Yeah, okay."

Matt left around two o'clock and I texted Tyler.  He didn't reply so I texted him again.  Still no answer.  I called him.  It rang twice, then went to voicemail.  He was ignoring me.  Nice.

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