★♡Chapter 19♡★

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★♡Y/N's POV♡★

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Y/N's POV♡★

Suddenly it went a little bit dark and purple light popped out of nowhere. I quickly got up and stud in front of Nene in a protective manner when I heard a footstep. "What are you two doing?" I heard someone ask from behind us.

Nene got herself up from the ground still with the book in her hands and we both turned to the voice. There we saw Yako starting there with those giant shears in her hand. My eyes widened in fear before I began panicking. 'Wait where's Amane and Kou! Oh god...what if they're hurt!'

I was suddenly snapped out my thoughts by Nene. "Y-you wrote this didn't you?" She asked the blond who was stepping closer and closer to us.

"That's right" Yako replied. I could tell that she was angry. She had this scary aura around her.

"You aren't Misaki" Nene said.

"It's Misaki's body that I want to collect" she told us stepping closer. "Using his name saves time, wouldn't you agree?" She asked with a smirk.

Before Nene could say anything to piss of the supernatural. "So that you could make Misaki-san, you hurt my friends and other people!" I yelled at her angrily. I didn't even care right now that she could beat me up so easily. I hate being scared! So I'm going to show her that I'm not scared of her.

After I said that I felt hands grab my legs and I heard Nene scream in fear. I looked down and saw those creepy dolls from before. "I did..." I heard Yako say.

I tried moving my legs by they didn't move. My blood ran cold as I stared down at those dolls. "I-I can't move my legs" I hear Nene stutter out in fear. The dolls slowly stared to climb there way up to mine and Nene's body. I looked up at Yako and saw she just had this uneasy smile on her face as she walked over to us. "Y-You loved Misaki-san, didn't you?" Nene asked the woman. "What you're doing wouldn't make Misaki-san happy."

"Oh dear" Yako says putting a hand over her mouth giggling a little before she smirked evilly. She then ran over to ran about to push her down those stairs but before she could I push my white-haired friend out of the way and took the blow. I yelped in pain as my back hit against something.

"Y/N-CHAN!" I heard Nene yelled in panic. Nene suddenly noticing when I push her away the dolls had let go of her so she finally could move. So Nene took that opportunity to quickly run over to me and before she began checking if I was alright.

"I already know that!" Yako yelled as she suddenly appeared near us and stabbed her shears about an inch away from my face. "Misaki treasured his students. If he found out I'd done this, he'd be cross with me" Yako said with a smirk. I slowly looked up at her with tears running down my face. Yako noticed this and her smirk widened. "But that's fine. I want Misaki to scold me again." "For that" Yako started. "I'll do anything!" She yelled getting ready to cut both me and Nene up into little pieces.

I was about to push Nene away again but I couldn't move...'WHY CAN'T I MOVE!' I thought in panic. Please please someone help please. "Amane help" I whispered as tears ran down my F/C cheeks.

I closed my eyes ready for it to just be over but I soon heard something collide with something before I heard it fall to the floor. "Number Seven!" I hear Yako say in shock.

This made me quickly opened my eyes before seeing Haku-joudai float past both me and Nene. We watch as the small orb slowly floated over to someone. "All right. Good work" I heard the familiar person say that I was actually quite happy to hear.

"Hanako-kun!" I yelled happily as I looked over at the black-haired ghost. 'Thank god...he's okay...' I thought in relief with a small smile.

If a girl still loves you even after you broke her heart, I guarantee you that she is the one


★♡Don't Leave Me...(Toilet-bound Hanako-kun) {Hanako/Amane Yugi X Reader}♡★ Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora