★♡Chapter 18♡★

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★♡Y/N's POV♡★

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Y/N's POV♡★

I watched in confusion as I watched Amane tie Nene up. "What the hell..." I mumbled to myself. What was this idiot planning?

"Knot, check. Rope strength, check. Safety check, all green" I heard Amane say making sure that everything was okay.

I shook my head lightly as I rolled my eyes and walked a little bit closer to the two. "Why are you tiring Nene-chan up?" I asked the ghost boy.

Amane not looking up from the ropes replied with "The Yorishiro isn't here. This isn't the deepest part." He then looks up at Nene and grabs her cheek to make her look at him. "So, I was thinking, if it's not the very top, maybe it's the very bottom" he told us.

Nene nervously looked at him and began sweating. "D-don't tell me" Nene stuttered.

I let out a small sigh before nodding. "Yep, he wants you t-" before I could finish I felt Amane grab me, pull me towards him.

"But don't worry you not going alone" he said before pushing me into Nene make us both fall backwards and off the edge. "I'm counting on you two!" I heard him yell to us.

Both me and Nene grabbed onto each other before we both began screaming. "AHHHHHHH" we screamed. "I HATE YOU!" I yelled up to Amane. IM GOING TO KILL THAT BASTARD! The next thing I remember was me passing out.

Time Skip♡★

"Y/N-chan! Y/N-chan! Please wake up!" I heard a familiar voice cry out.

I slowly opened my eyes and was met with Nene hoovering over me with tearful eyes. "Nene-chan...?" I mumbled out tiredly as I slowly sat up, rubbing my sleepy eyes.

Nene let out a sigh of relief before pulling me into a hug. "You scared me for a second Y/N-chan!" I heard her say. "I thought you were dead!"

'Too late for that' I thought with a smirk. I then grabbed Nene and pulled her off of me. "What happened" I asked her trying my best to remember what was going on.

"O-oh, Umm well we kind of got pushed down here by Hanako-Kun, remember" Nene said.

I thought for a few seconds before remembered. My E/C eyes widened and quickly got up from the ground. "THAT IDIOT! OH WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON HIM HE'S SO DEAD!" I yelled angrily.

Nene pulled herself up from the ground and put a hand on my shoulders before saying "you can kick his butt later Y/N-chan, but for now let's look for that Yorishiro" Nene told me with a smile. I let a small sigh out before nodded. I knew Nene was pissed as well but she's right. We have to find that Yorishiro.

Nene suddenly grabbed my wrist and she began dragging me off. As we were running (well she was running I was being dragged) we bumped into a table. Both me and Nene let out a loud yelp as we both fell to the ground. "Ow..." I heard Nene say as she rubbed her ankle in pain.

I growled angrily as I glared over at the table we had bumped into. "Who the hell puts a table in the mid-" right before I could finish my eyes landed on a book that said 'Secret. Look not'.

Nene must have noticed as well because next I hear is Nene stutter out "Th-This is..." before picking it up.

"...definitely suspicious!" I said finished Nene sentence. I quickly got up from the floor before looking over Nene shoulder as she opened the book.

As we read the book it began getting weirder and weirder but also sad. I felt kind of sorry for Yako...She loved him...That man in that picture is...Misaki...So he died...That's why she's doing this! To get him back! It's making so much sense now!

By now Me and Nene were now on the ground reading the book. It was getting creepy. In one page it said 'Misaki didn't come in today' and on the next, it said the same. Nene turned the page and again it said the same. She kept turning the page hope to find something different but nothing. Just the same thing over and over again until one page. 'I heard a rumour today. Apparently, there was an accident on these stairs recently. They say a teacher fell off and died. I wonder what die means. I'll ask Misaki the next time I see him.' My heart ached in pain. Oh god...I can't. I feel so sorry for her...

Nene turned the page but this time it was blank and so was the next and the next until she got up to one page that said 'Misaki may never come here again' Nene then slowly turned to the next page and the next thing I read made my blood run cold. 'I decided that I'll just have to make a Misaki'

"And in her smile, I see something more beautiful than the stars."

Beth Revis

★♡Don't Leave Me...(Toilet-bound Hanako-kun) {Hanako/Amane Yugi X Reader}♡★ Where stories live. Discover now