"Lead the way," Shoto told Eiji.

"Izuku... let's go prepare lunch," Momo said and both she and the greenhead bowed before Izuku turned to the other direction-- not even throwing a glance at him.


Izuku sat on his bed at the servant's quarters. He had done his job earlier than usual and decided to rest since he didn't have anything to do anyway.

Thoughts flooded his head as he stared at the ceiling before sitting up and pulling his pants up to reveal a scar where his injury had once been placed on his first day at Yuei. Weeks had already passed and eventually, his cut had healed-- time was nearing for him to leave and go back home.

Rubbing the scar gently, a small smile tugged his lips as he remembered all the things he had experienced and learn while staying at Yuei-- he learned how to use utensils, how to dress himself up, how to play ball and such... he also found out that humans weren't that bad once you get to know them, especially the few people he had spent his time with-- Tenya, Eiji, Momo, and... Shoto.

As his mind drifted to the prince, he smiled widened and reminisced all the things that had happened between him and the prince. But his smile gradually faded as he remembered the times he had seen him with Momo and found himself thinking They look perfect together...

He remembered when Eiji caught him stealing a glance when Momo and Shoto had talked-- lately they had been doing it more often than usual... talking in hushed voices as if they shared a secret that they didn't want anyone to know. Eiji had teased him, saying that Izuku was jealous because Shoto had stopped paying attention to him-- to which the greenhead denied by furiously shaking his head no.

"Well it is a normal thing to see both of them like that, you know," Eiji had told him. "Since... they both had a crush on each other since childhood..."

That was when Izuku felt something inside him break. Eiji had told him that a crush is someone you admire, someone who you feel immense attraction to-- just like what he had been feeling towards Shoto lately. Unfortunately, he can't be together with Shoto as he was human and Izuku was a merman... both his and Shoto's kind won't accept them as easily as they had accepted each other and... Shoto was clearly already in love with someone else.

A tear rolled down his face and Izuku was surprised to see himself crying and tried to wipe it away, but the tears had started flowing endlessly and he sobbed quietly on his bed-- confused as to why something inside him hurts so bad.

Is this what they call... a heartbreak?


"It's a week-long journey," Eiji told Shoto as they both watched the servants and guards load their ship. "Are you really sure you don't want him coming with us? I mean... you know your father has been itching to kick him out of the kingdom and with you gone, who knows what might happen,"

"If a war sparks in between us and Shiketsu, I want him protected inside the castle walls. Even if I'm not around, Momo would be able to take care of him," Shoto said.

"There you go again, talking about war," Eiji said, "Isn't that why your father is sending your there to negotiate with Shiketsu?"

"I'm just preparing myself for the worst scenarios that could possibly happen," Shoto said. "Tell the others to hasten their paces, we leave at the first crack of dawn tomorrow,"

He turned and walked back to inside the castle but stopped at a turn when he saw Izuku going towards his direction. The greenhead looked just as surprised as him and he was the first to avert his gaze before bowing towards Shoto and turning to another direction away from him.

"Izuku..." Shoto called, making Izuku stop just a few steps but he urged himself to keep going and Shoto was forced to run after him. "Izuku...! Wait! Stop!"

Tears blurred Izuku's vision as he took turns around the halls, not knowing how many times he did so. He was so confused as to why he was hurting so much, why seeing Shoto had his stomach fluttering with excitement every single time, why his hearts would beat so loudly whenever Shoto was close, why... why it hurts him to see Shoto happy with Momo instead of him.

"Stop, I said!" Shoto said, finally catching up and grabbing Izuku by his wrist and pulled him back. "Why are you running away from me...?!"

He froze when the greenhead looked up at him, tears rolling on either side of his face as he tried to suppress his sobs. Without thinking, Shoto pulled him into a hug-- burying his face on his messy green locks that always smelt like the ocean. "It's okay... I'm here, tell me what's wrong,"

But Izuku pushed him away and started pounding on his chest-- just not hard enough to hurt Shoto but enough to irritate him. "Stop it!" Shoto snapped, grabbing both Izuku's arms to stop his assaults. "What is with you lately?"

Izuku sobbed as he so very badly wants to tell him that it was Shoto making him feel these things that are new to him. He wanted to yell at the naive prince, to shout at him for hurting him even though he didn't do anything entirely. He wanted to push him away yet he wanted Shoto to hug him and be by his side.

This vulnerable side Izuku had Shoto's expression softened as confusion and hurt was so visible in his eyes that he couldn't help but pull him close-- crashing his lips into Izuku whose eyes went wide in surprise.

Izuku's lips were soft and tasted sweet and salty because of the tears that had run down his face, but Shoto could only describe that it felt right the moment their lips touched and he could tell that Izuku was loving it as well as the greenhead's arms wrapped around his neck while Shoto's hands held the latter's hips and pulled him closer.

When they pulled apart, both were panting for the air that they needed and both cheeks tainted with a pink blush.

"You have no idea how badly I wanted to do that to you the moment I found out that I was in love with you," Shoto said then looked at Izuku. "You know what love is right? And... and the thing that we did?"

Izuku nodded as he hid his face within his hands. Izuku knew what love was, he was naive to human customs but he wasn't that stupid to not know it-- especially since mermaids are capable of loving too. However, the thing they just did-- the kiss-- Izuku knew that it meant as an expression or an act of love for humans, but it was a different story for them, mermaids.

Kissing was an act done by mermaids very rarely, especially towards human beings. They do it not out of love or anything related to it, but to instantly adapt the human language by speech and by understanding. It was one of the mermaids' special talents but since their kind and the humans have not been on good terms for hundreds of years now, it was a talent long forgotten but still ran through their veins even today.

The moment he and Shoto kissed, he knew that he will be able to talk to him, but he couldn't bring himself too as he knew the Prince would be too confused about it. He never really planned to kiss him in the first place and had planned to flee the moment his injury healed, but... after everything that had happened between them, Izuku was not sure what to do anymore.

The couple spent the night in Shoto's room where he and Izuku lay in his bed-- the greenhead wrapped around in his arms as they both enjoyed the night.

"We will be leaving first thing tomorrow," Shoto said as he combed Izuku's hair. "By then, you stay here and try to avoid my father as much as you can. Momo will take care of you while I'm gone,"

Shoto felt Izuku grip his shirt at the mention of Momo's name as the greenhead looked up at him-- his eyes asking him a silent question that answered why Izuku had been avoiding him in the first place.

Shoto smiled and stroked his hair. "Momo is a great sister," he said. "She's been a great sister to me and she will also be to you. She loves you because I do too,"

Izuku's eyes widened at the words.

"I love you... Izuku,"

They laid back in bed and eventually Shoto fell asleep. Careful not to wake him up, Izuku looked at his calm sleeping face and placed a light kiss on his lips before cuddling back to his chest.

"I love you... Shoto," Izuku whispered.

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