Chapter 13: Fresh

Start from the beginning

I smiled at my new look, and left the bathroom, as my hair was now dry, and I loved it.

But, then stopped short in the middle of Moms room as I heard this loud CRUNCH, then a bunch of thuds.

Mom seemed to have the same idea, because she ran out her closet door yelling "WHAT IS GOING ON?!"

I chased after, and saw Error and Genos heads and backs turned to the stairwell.

Mom rushed past them, and I made my way by Geno.

And automatically put a hand to my mouth.

Fresh was laying at the bottom of the stairs, eyes closed with a huge mark on his cheek, and a crack growing from the back of his skull, and bruised were everywhere with tattered and rips all over his pajamas.

Mom was pleading him to wake up as tears cornered her eyes.

I started to run downstairs, ignoring the sudden arguing going on between Geno and Error.

" Mom, should I call an ambulance?!" I screamed as I walked down the stairs.

She nodded as she pulled Fresh close to her chest, rocking him back and forth as I ran to the kitchen, and called 911.

And, just like that, another hospital we went.

Except this time, this wasn't something I was used too.

And this time, I was terrified.


I was used to Geno going to the hospital.

I was not used to Fresh ever going, only for checkups and stuff.

And I had never seen any of my friends get dangerously hurt.

Sure, I ended up in the hospital once, and now I know how Geno probably felt seeing his sister, who had to go to the hospital for an emergency when my hair started to turn gray, now swallowing down pills that weren't meant for healthy hybrid little girls.

As Geno and Error waited outside the door, I sat at the bench a little farther away, praying slightly.

The last thing I wanted was for Fresh to be seriously hurt, or injured, or even close to death.

What had happened?

Why did I walk away?

Why was I more concerned over what color my hair was, over than my brothers arguing in the halls?

Better yet, why didn't I try to stop them?!

I was such an idiot...

I bit back tears, trying to push those bad thoughts out of my mind.

It wasn't my fault.

He's gonna be just fine.

It's all going to be just fine.

All of a sudden, Uncle Asy walked by, he waved a me lightly before turning to go into Freshes room.

I put my head down, continuing to pray to myself.

Please be okay Fresh, please be okay...

As those sentences repeated in my head, I suddenly heard Geno yell out.

It was something like, 'big bully'.

Then, I could feel this loud beep at the back of my head, which got me to rush up and go down to the hallway.

Geno looked tense, but his look softened when he saw Errors stiff figure. Error was standing still, his hands holding on tightly to the strings of his hoodie as I walked closer.

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