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Hey guys! Thanks for being patient for the next chapter. I'm working on the next one at the moment. ¯\_()_/¯ I also apologize for how short this chapter is!

Minho hurried to obey Jorge's command, shoving Marcus into the chair that Frypan had dragged over from a pile of mangled furniture.

"What're we gonna tie him up with?" Minho asked Jorge who just glared at him.

"The curtains," I said, scrambling up the back of the couch and tearing a few thick strips of the curtains fabric then I tossed them to Frypan who violently tied Marcus to the chair, pulling his bonds tighter than completely necessary, which made Jorge pleased hence a large smirk that crossed his face.

"Alright kids," Jorge grinned, and shooed Minho and Frypan away from the tied up Marcus. They dragged some more chairs over and sat around the couch joining me, Newt and Aris. Teresa sat beside Thomas on his mattress, watching Brenda breath heavily. "Watch and learn the delicate art of interrogating," Jorge continued, cracking his knuckles and grinning at us like he was about to put a show on for us, or sing for us.

"Whatever you want to know, I ain't telling you," Marcus chuckled nervously, clearly terrified of Jorge. Before Marcus could continue, Jorge whipped around and punched Marcus in the nose, hard.

"Holy shit!" Newt cried, almost jumping off the couch arm. Aris had his hand over his mouth in shock while Frypan and Minho gawked, and Minho looked like he was about to start cheering for Jorge.

"Jorge, what the heck? What was that?" I shouted, standing up off the couch before Newt pulled me back down.

"That, hermana, was my delicate art of interrogating! Works every time!" Jorge raised his fist once again at Marcus, making us all burst into protesting shouts.

"Jorge, that's not the way we should do this!" Newt cried, stepping towards the Hispanic man, and held his fist back.

Minho shoved his chair aside, sauntering over to them. "Let the man do his thing Newt, he clearly knows what he's doing!" Minho growled, pushing Newt aside, who retaliated with a shove to Minho's chest.

I sighed and rolled my eyes at their childishness, folding my arms. "Slintheads," I mumbled to Aris who just nodded, watching Minho and Newt shove each other with amusement, almost like Marcus, who looked on with blood oozing from his crooked nose.

"Will everyone just shut up!" someone shrieked, and all at once, everyone was quiet. Newt and Minho hung their heads, Teresa stopped yelling at the boys to stop, and Jorge's look of disapproval for Newt and Minho twisted into relief as Brenda rose to her feet, wiping sweat off her face and brushing out the wrinkles in her shirt. "I've got the biggest friggin' headache and your shoutings not making it any better," she grumbled, limping over to the couch and plopping herself beside Aris.

    Jorge let out a loud laugh and sucked in breath, his violent look vanishing. "Bren! You-"

    Brenda held up a hand to stop him, rubbing her face with the other hand. "Yes, I'm fine. That drug Marcus gave me was strong, not long lasting."

    "So, Thomas should wake up soon?" Teresa piped up, giving the poor guy a sympathetic look. She really liked him, and if she was trying to hide it, she wasn't doing too well.

    "I'm not sure," Brenda groaned, her voice scratchy. "He drank a lot more than I did."

    "So you guys can let me go now?" Marcus questioned, craning his neck into the conversation. Quicker than a cat, Jorge slapped him across the cheek, and I felt Newt flinch beside me. I wrapped an arm around his waist and leaned my head against his shoulder. I never knew how much physical violence bothered him. It only made him more endearing to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2020 ⏰

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