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After breakfast I found Ronaldo and he led me to the doctors office where they gave me my weekly check up.

Dr. Crawford sat on her stool and looked up as I closed the door behind me, taking a seat on the bench, crinkling the white paper that coated the top. "What's up, Doc?" I chuckled.

The white-clad doctor smiled softly and picked up a large needle, cleaning the thin tip. "Nothing much. We need to draw some blood again, alright?"

"But we just did it last week," I protested, cringing at the sight of the glittering needle. I didn't like admitting it, but I was slightly afraid of needles. I discovered that when they drew blood after they took us out of my maze. I had kicked the doctor in the face.

This was just another sign that I needed to get out of here, and fast. If I knew things weren't right when people were acting normal around here, then it's defiantly not right when people start acting weird. That didn't make much sense, but I still wanted to leave.

"Sorry hun, I'm not in charge around here," she muttered, jotting something down on a piece of paper. She grabbed a little napkin with alcohol on it and rubbed it on a small space on my lower arm. I winced as she lifted the needle to my arm and put down the napkin. "Now, just relax, it'll hurt more if you tense up." She smiled sweetly, but she quickly turned around, looking behind her. "What was that?" she asked, panic rising in her voice.

Just as I was contemplating if I had actually heard anything, she poked the needle into my skin, then back out again, and I let out a deep breath, and laughed. "You're good!"

"Thanks!" Doctor Crawford chuckled then went back to her desk, her gloved hands moving quickly across the counter top, doing something doctor-y. After she finished we quickly got past the normal check-up. We checked my blood pressure, checked my throat, checked reflexes, and just checked a lot of normal doctor, health stuff.

Doctor Crawford let me out after she confirmed I was pretty healthy, but I just needed to start eating a bit more. Like, more than just the occasional chicken nugget.

I walked down the halls, looking for Ronaldo. He had to escort me back to my cell, but he hadn't come, and it was five minutes after the check-up finished, so I decided to go back myself, and put my plan into motion. The hallways were usually quiet and empty, but this time, I could feel tension, like something was trapped in these walls, and it was begging to be let out.

When I got inside my door, I began to play with the keypad, pressing buttons, until it finally locked me in. Then I slid under my head and dug my nails behind the vent door and ripped it out, and carefully climbed inside, then quietly closed the vent behind me, and began to awkward crawl.

The dust stuck to my black, baggy overalls, which made me annoyed, since these were my favourite thing to wear. Mumbling under my breath I began to start my hunt for the boys room. They better have remembered to put the bad by the vent or I'll personally strangle them.
But I did find the vent, and Minho was right, it stank like crap. I could also hear the boys familiar voices. I rapped on the vent, twice, but no one answered, so I backed up got onto my back and kicked it as hard as I could, and it burst off it's nails and crashed forward into the room, which definitely got attention. Feet scrambled around the bed as I crawled out. Newt helped me up off the ground and he began to laugh as I brushed myself off.

"We thought you were a bloody Griever, ready to rip us apart!" he chuckled and sat onto a bunk bed. The rest of the boys sat in a circle on the ground around me, chattering like a bunch of good-looking chipmunks. I leaned against the bed Newt was sitting on, and clapped my hands together sending a sharp sound echoing through the room. The boys grew quiet and I smirked.

Changes (Newt x OC) (Maze Runner Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora