I Love You

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JACK - -

You and Jack were taking a stroll through Central Park when all of a sudden Jack stopped walking. This has been his third time stopping, that day. He had wanted to see if he could catch one of the many pigeons that called New York City their home. You had bet him earlier in the day that he couldn't do it, and he was up for the challenge. He had said to you that he could do it, and you should have faith in him.

For this being your third time stopping, with no prior luck, you were kind of expecting it to end the same way the other two times did, with a terrified bird and a slightly pissed off Jack.

Just as you were about to tell him that the bet was silly, he had mustered up enough strength and patience to actually catch one.

"SEE! I TOLD YOUS I COULD DO IT!" He said while smiling real wide. He immediately put the bird down as it began to peck his fingers.

All you did was smile at him and nod your head. "Well then, I guess you've won our little bet" you said in defeat.

"Looks like I did" he said while coming closer to you. The two of you bet that the loser has to cause an embarrassing scene in public.

Once you finally mustered up enough confidence to finish the task, you were able to successfully embarrass yourself around a bunch of tourists and New Yorkers that were trying to enjoy their day.

All Jack could do was laugh and poke fun at you while he watched you make a total fool of your self. Once you were done, you gave Jack a smile and a little curtesy.

"That was amazin '.... I love yous" he said without thinking. His face went white and quiet.

Once you finally registered what he had said, you went quiet too. The two of you have never said that word to each other before, and it was nerve wracking. You loved him too, but you were too scared to say anything in that moment, so you improvised.

You ran up to Jack and tackled him into a hug. In that moment, you let all of your guards down and confessed your love for him back.

Once the two of you were done letting out all of your emotions, you went back to acting like you had never let your feelings roam free and nothing further was said.

You know Jack loves you, and he knows that you love him back, and that's all that matters.


You decided to meet David for lunch at the restaurant next to your building. When you finally saw him running up the street to meet you, your heart skipped a beat. You had wanted to meet because you were going tell him that you love him. 

"Hi!" he said all cheery when finally catching up to you.

"David! How are you!" you said in response. He responded with a cheerful answer, and then the two of you walked inside the restaurant hand in hand. 

Once you sat down at the table and ordered your food, you decided that it was a good time to tell him. 

"So David, I've been thinking a lot about us..." you started. This caused him to take his gaze off the dessert menu and too your eyes. "You make me happy... extremely happy. Like I wanna spend every day with you happy!" you said while smiling. He smiled back. "I... I guess that what I am trying to say, is that I love you... I love you David" you said confidently. 

"REALLY!" he yelled with a huge smile on his face. "I LOVE YOU TOO!" he shouted soon after. You didn't know what you were expecting David to do, but it was not this. Normally, you would get all embarressed when any form of attention was brought upon you in public, but for some reason, today was an acception. You love David, and he loves you, and the two of you didn't care who knew it. 

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