What You Call Each Other

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JACK - -

His Nicknames for you:
Sweetheart, cowgirl (because he is known as cowboy), snookums (when he gives you a taste of your own medicine).

Your Nicknames for him:
Jackie, Kelly, Snookums (you do this because you know he gets embarrassed by it).


His Nicknames for you:
Cutey (he loves how adorable you are), angel eyes (because of your gorgeous eyes), flower.

Your Nicknames for him:
Davey, Dave, Curly (his hair), jelly bean (he just reminds you of one).


His Nicknames for you:
Gorgeous, doll, honey, kid (because you are a couple of months younger than him), mi amore (my love in Italian).

Your Nicknames for him:
Race, honey, gambles (because he loves to gamble, a lot!).

SPOT - -

His Nicknames for you:
Babe, baby, Queen, Princess (obviously).

Your Nicknames for him:
Babe, stud (I mean look at him), Prince Charming (and your his Queen/Princess).

MUSH - -

His Nicknames for you:
Love, sweetness, sunshine (because of how happy and positive you are), wifey (because he knows that he wants to marry you someday).

Your Nicknames for him:
Mushy, twinkle toes (because he loves to dance), hubby (because you know that you want to marry him one day).


His Nicknames for you:
Cheeks (because of how your lips spread to your both of your cheeks when you smile at him), angel (because how good you are with kids), darlin'.

Your Nicknames for him:
Skitts, Skittles, sticks (he is always seen with his stick), pinky (because of how much he wears that pink long underwear of his).


His Nicknames for you:
Sugar, muffin, biscuit (for some odd reason, all your nicknames deal with food, but you love it anyway.)

Your Nicknames for him:
Patches/patchy (because of his eye patch), buttercup (out of fun), lover boy (because of how much he adores you).


His Nicknames for you:
Cuteness, pumpkin, beautiful.

Your Nicknames for him:
Bubbles (because of his bubbly personality), smootchie (out of fun), Crutchidoodle (he secretly loves it).


His Nicknames for you:
Love of my life, papes (because of how good of a newsie you are), partner in crime (self explanatory).

Your Nicknames for him:
Sticks (like Skittery, he is always seen with his stick), partner in crime (again, self explanatory), lover.

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