𝕭𝖆𝖈𝖐 𝖆𝖙 𝖍𝖔𝖌𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖘

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Ariadne Rosewood was back for another year at Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and wizardry.

The sky was starry and beautiful, and the lights of the castle reflected onto the water, creating a magical looking view.

The students rowed towards the castle, each one with different thoughts running through their heads.

In the boat leading Ariadne to the beautiful castle she now considered home, she felt a rush of excitement through her body.

She was back.

Her long dark hair blew behind her as she continued to row, her arms starting to ache.

Ariadne often thought about life before she was adopted. She remembered the orphanage, and that terrifying feeling that she would never leave.
She had used to think she would stay there forever.

Often people asked what had done it? What had saved her?
To that Ariadne always responded with the same thing.


She lived in her imagination when she was in the orphanage. Now she looked back and thought it to be stupid. But it was what saved her.
When she was nine years old, she met the people she would hopefully live with for a very long time.
Mary and Billy, her parents. Not related by blood of course, but she loved them very much. She often thought back and realized how lucky she was for getting adopted.
The girls that would bully her. She wondered what happened to them. Where they still yet to be adopted?
She also often wondered what had happened to her real parents.
Are they still alive? Or did they pass?

Some part of her hoped they had passed, only because she wanted to feel comfort in knowing that she was loved.
She didn't want to think that her birth parents didn't want her.

Ariadne's mind snapped back to reality when she felt the ground hit the boat. She moved her Ravenclaw robes away from the water, carful to not get them wet. She got out of the boat, setting her feet on the ground. She breathed in the smell she had become so greatly accustomed to over the years.
The corners of her mouth turned upright as she set her eyes on the beautiful castle in front of her.

Her heart skipped a beat as soon as she saw her friends, Cole and Juniper. As soon as they saw her, they smiled as well

"How was your summer?" Juniper asked her friend after hugging her.
"I'm a prefect now." Ariadne said smirking, pointing to the badge on her robes. She didn't want to get into the details of what happens at her house.
Both of them smiled knowingly.
"We would be surprised if you weren't one." Juniper told her.
Ariadne smiled.
"Did you hear Riddle's Slytherin prefect as well? Good luck dealing with him." Juniper said.

"I've heard from people that he's....smart." Cole whispered hesitantly and softly, a light blush on his cheeks. He spoke so only Ariadne could hear.

Ariadne roller her eyes, but in a playful way.

Of course Riddle was a prefect. It only made sense. He was a very smart boy, you would have to be daft to deny it. But something about him was off.
She couldn't tell if people admired him, or if they feared him. Maybe a little bit of both. Sm

"How about you two? How were your summers?" She asked, changing the subject.

"Something happened to me." Cole said in a whisper. Ariadne leaned in, becoming interested in what it might be.
"My mom let me wear....well." Cole looked quite embarrassed.
"It's okay Cole, just tell me." Ariadne reassured him.
He lowered his voice down to a whisper so only the two of them could hear him.

"My mom let me wear a tiara." He said with a smile.

Juniper visibly cringed, to hide her disgust but failing. It was a tricky subject around Juniper. She was quite traditional. After all, her mother was very strict about that kind of stuff. Ariadne didn't blame her for thinking the traditional way. Most people did.
She wasn't fond of the way most people thought however.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2020 ⏰

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