Ocean and The Stars

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Thea pov
I got into my pj's and got into the bed. I closed my eyes and tryed to sleep, but it just does not come. After about an hour I get up, put on a sweater over my t-shirt and go out into the hallway. I try to go downstairs as quietly as possible. Once downstairs I make myself some tea trying my best not to wake anyone. Once I have my tea, I grab a blanket and go outside and sit on a beach couch on the deck. I just star out into the ocean watching the waves come in.

Noah Pov
I hear someone walk by my room trying to be quiet by they still wake me up. I try to go back to sleep. I don't know how much time goes by but it feels really long and I don't fall asleep. I decide to get up and go look at the ocean. I quietly walk downstairs. I notice someone is outside already. I quietly open the door. She does not hear me. I walk till I can see her face. It's Thea. There are two tears on her face. I place my hand on her shoulder. She reacts quickly and turns. I feel her tense up under my hand. Once she sees my face she relaxes a bit but I feel that she is still tense. I go to sit beside her.
Couldn't sleep? I ask
No she says as she wipes her tears
You ok? I ask
I am fine she says I am always fine.
You wanna talk about it? I ask
No.... she says but I can tell I can trust you.
 she smilies at me then she turns her head to look at the stars.

Millie pov
I hear a person boil tea and then walk outside. I try to go back to sleep. Awhile later I hear someone who sounds like Noah go outside. I try to go back to sleep again. After awhile I give up and get up and go to the kitchen. I get a cup of water. When I look up I see Noah and either Lola or Thea outside looking at the stars. I get a weird feeling in my stomach making me a very angry toward the girl sitting beside Noah. I go outside as quietly as possible. I don't think they heard me cause neither of them moved. I sit on the chair beside the couch where they are sitting. They both look up. I see the girl is Thea and there is a single tear on her cheek, as she saw me she wiped it away. Noah looked worried. For some reason the feeling I got in my stomach faded a little.
Hi Millie Thea says
Couldn't sleep either? Noah asks
Nope I answer what are you guys doing?
Looking at the star and the ocean they help calm me Thea answers
Cool. I need to be calmed right about now. I say
I look up at the stars. So do Thea and Noah. Suddenly I feel really tired, too tired to move. So I stay. Can slowly sleep clams me.

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