Beach house

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Thea Pov
We arrived at Noah's beach house and the older people one were renting out the one beside Noah's. When we entered I noticed it was very Modern on the first floor we had the kitchen left to the door and living room in front of us. To the right were a couple of bedroom and some stairs. I also noticed it was a nice size.
Noah pointed to the rooms we would be staying in Millie and Sadie and Celab your those three down here. he said
Then we went upstairs
Gaten your there. Noah said pointing to the bedroom to the right
Andy your here pointing to the room opposite Gaten's Noah said
Finn you here Noah says pointing to the one beside Dylan's
Lola your here said Noah pointing to the one opposite Dylan's
And Thea your here Noah says as he leans on the door frame
As I look around I see that it is pretty plain with grey sheets and white walls and a tinted white dresser beside a closet. I walk toward to balcony to see a chair on it with a table.
I turn to see Noah leaning on the door frame
I love the balcony I say
I thought it would help you write Noah says
Thank you I say
Can I ask you a question? Noah asks
I pretty sure you just did I say but, sure
A smile comes to his face
How old are you? He asks
14 I answer why?
Just wondering how a 14 year old girl got the attention of producers to get them to produce their work he says
Well I had a friend that thought my writing was really good and he had a friend who had a friend who was friend of Jason's and Jason really liked my work and I came in and started sharing my ideas and they offered me a job I answered why does it surprise you that I am a writer on a show?
Maybe he says well I will let you unpack and rest
And he leaves I sigh.
He is cute but I think Millie likes him and I don't want her to hate me so I push any feeling I feel down like I always to and I start to unpack.

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