Chapter 1

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Harry hasn't seen his mother in years.

The last time he looked into her eyes she was crying on the porch, firm in her decision to kick him out at just sixteen, but heartbroken at the sight of her baby boy climbing into his old car that's stacked with boxes of his things.

He hadn't seen her when he managed to complete high school through home schooling and sent her a message that he hoped she was proud despite their falling out.

He hadn't seen her when he won his first fight in under four minutes, knocking his opponent out cold. She wasn't standing in the crowd cheering for him because she was sitting at home not thinking of him.

He hadn't seen her when Harry got his first serious girlfriend. His girl, y/n, had been invited to one of his matches courtesy of the ring owner after she helped design the new logos and posters for his underground boxing league.

Harry hadn't seen her when he moved in with y/n, the both of them purchasing an apartment in the middle of the city, close to his gym and the stadium she worked at. Even y/n's mother, who hadn't always loved Harry, came and helped the couple move.

He hadn't seen her when he sent her the wedding invitation, the delicate ivory paper covered in evidence that Harry may be a fighter, but he's still more of a lover.

Likewise, he hadn't seen her at the wedding either. His mother didn't help him tie his tie or give him a pep talk or see him tear up when his beautiful y/n walked down the aisle to him.

But most importantly, Harry didn't see his mother on the day he became a father. She wasn't in the waiting room to hug him and meet her grandson. She didn't get to see up close that Harry was still gentle enough to care for a newborn. She missed the greatest day of Harry's life.

He had come to terms with it. He had messed up, it wasn't right of him to hide his love for boxing from his mother. It wasn't right of him to finally tell her after he'd beaten the hell out of her selfish boyfriend because Harry's temper had flared after the man was mean to his mother.

Harry knew one day he would be near her again, he just hoped it wouldn't be the day he'd being burying her. But every attempt he made to reach out to her was futile and he had a lingering fear that she wouldn't be seeing him the next time he saw her.

But God was merciful for not only had He given Harry a beautiful wife and son, he gave Harry the surprise of his mother in a place he'd thought he'd never see her in.


Harry's pulling into his reserved parking spot when his phone rings, cutting off the Weezer song his phone was playing.

"Morning darling!" Harry answers.

"Morning H." Y/n greets, her voice filling his car. But that's not the only sound spilling through the Bluetooth. The SpongeBob SquarePants theme song is muffled in the background, over powdered by the high pitch wails of a certain baby.

"Oh no," Harry gasps, frowning at the sound of Arlo in such distress this early. His baby should still be sleeping, not crying his little heart out. It's too early for tears. "Why's my little man crying?"

"Someone's very upset because daddy left this morning without giving kisses." She scolds, tone light despite the crying baby.

Harry's heart plummets, guilt creeping up in his chest. "M' sorry love. You two were sleeping so well, didn't want to wake you." He says apologetically.

"You're gonna have to make it up to him," She warns. "poor baby just wanted to see you this morning."

Harry's heart falls even more, a disgruntled feeling sitting like a rock in his belly. He knew he should've just woken them, given Arlo a soft peck on the cheek even if waking him early makes him cry. Harry would be able to calm him in minutes, tucking his baby back into his crib and kissing y/n before heading out.

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