Lily took the class routine in her hand:

Sunday: ICT, Language, (break) and magic. (Missed class for this week)

Monday: history of magic, swimming, (break) and library
                (Room:26.)             (Back  yard)                 ( Room:30
(Today's routine. 👆)

Tuesday: magic (with pets), cooking, (break) and flying

Wednesday: horse riding, music, (break) and history of magic.

Thursday: ancient spells, arts and crafts, (break) and P.E.

Sarah and Lily left with their bags." First class is history of magic. room 26." Said Lily.

"Let's go then! I am so excited!" Exclaimed Sarah. "Hey Sarah, you are from the Zander family right?" Asked Lily.

"Yeah why? You actually never asked me before." Said Sarah.
"So are you related to Alec Zander? Is he going to be in the Elite class?" Asked Lily trying to hide her excitement.

"Well, he is in the Elite class. And he is my brother." Answered Sarah.

" Then,why did I never see you talk to him or invite him to the dorm?" Asked Lily. "He..... Well its a long story." Sarah became sad.

"If you don't feel comfortable, I understand. Oh, we are here!" Exclaimed Lily excitedly. Sarah had a light smile on her face as they got in.

Lily And Sarah saw that they were not late." So we I will seat front and you back of me I guess. Well good bye." Said Lily and Sarah said bye. The reason they separated is because the seats are booked roll-wise. Lily is roll 2 (front of class) while Sarah is roll 4 (back of Lily).

Lily look at the front seat while getting nervous. And she saw a man wearing a black hoodie and he was reading a book about 'history of magic' that covered his face so Lily couldn't see him.

'Its OK Lily, you are good enough with socializing. But I feel different. I don't know what kind of feeling is it but its weird.
OK here we go...'

"Hello, prince Zander. I am lily blossom and I am roll 2 so I will be seating with you for this year." Said Lily trying to look under that hoodie.

"Hello princess Lily. Have a seat." Said Alec indifferently. He did not even look at Lily! 'This is going to be a long year... I never knew he was this indifferent.' Thought Lily and sat down not caring any more.

The teacher came in. "Hello students I am ms. Heartstrings and I am your history of magic teacher. Everyone take out the book and turn to page 3, lesson 1- the most powerful spell books existing till now."

At that time Alec kept the book down and took off the hoodie's head as he thought it was inappropriate to keep it up. Lily took the opportunity to see his face. What she say was beyond her expectations. Alec had a reddish-black mixed hair color, red eyes   and thin light pink lips. It looked as if he was carved from white jade. His handsomeness was very mesmerizing!

Lily look at Alec for 10 seconds and he realized." What are you looking at? You are braver then you seem. Do you know what will happen to you if you look at the prince's of Blazentra?" He asked still cold but there was a hint of surprise.

Lily snapped into reality and said," sorry, I didn't see you face earlier and so... But do you know what will happen to you if you look at the princesses of magicia? After all I am from the celestial family you know. I already mentioned my name you, princess lily 'Blossom'." Said lily in an arrogant manner.

'How can I forget that he hates people looking at him!'

Alec didn't realize the last name so he was shocked for a few seconds and was speechless for the first time. 'What luck I have!
I just can't believe that the 2nd miss of the blossom family is beside me!' Then, he turned around and looked at the book not speaking again.

The Story Of Princess Lily Blossom  Book 1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon