27 - The Ball Pt 2

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Lucy sighed as she listened to Nyx drone on to the mortals at their table about the benefits of attending the Academy. She finds it odd she's encouraging this when she knows damn well she could care less about this programme. It's all an act for some ulterior motive, she knows her revenge against Reyna is just the tip of something bigger. 

She looked across the room and smiled seeing Elowen chatting away with the mortals at her table. She wished Mr. LaRein put her at their table, at least she wouldn't feel so on edge. She caught eyes with Elowen and blushed when she gave her a small wave. She nodded her head slightly at the empty place setting at their table and her heart thumped in her chest. 

Should she go over there? What will Nyx think? She looked at Nyx excitedly talking to the mortal next to her. She hasn't spoken to her all night, she probably wouldn't even notice she's gone. She's already done her evil bidding for the night by placing those vials around the hall. 

She quietly got up from the table and made her way towards Elowen, as she neared them she can feel her anxiety washing away. She has nothing to worry about tonight. Reyna and Lucian know what's going on and Elowen already told her about the rest of the creatures from the party. Everything is going to be fine. 

"Hey Lucy! Switching tables already?" Thane smiled as she  took the empty seat next to him. 

"Well, I figure since you have an open seat, might as well join you." She smiled, waving to the mortals at the table and finally settling on Elowen's smiling face. Tilly chirped happily flying to her shoulder. 

"Hello Tilly." She laughed as the bird nuzzled her cheek.

Jennifer squealed next to her, "Oh my God, this is so pure. Can I pet her, Elowen?"

Elowen shrugged, "You can try, she can be a bit testy." 

Jennifer slowly reached her fingers towards Tilly. The bird eyed her hand and puffed out her chest, she gave her a warning chirp and nipped at her fingers, "Aww not yet, huh?" Jennifer laughed, pulling her hand back. 

Odd for Tilly to protect Lucy. Did I miss something at the party? Reyna frowned watching the bird settle down on Lucy's shoulder. 

Well, Lucy and Elowen were getting pretty close last night. Lucian smiled and Reyna grinned. 

I knew it! I could smell it between them. This is so cute! She giggled watching Elowen's blushing face. 


Julia could not stop the permanent blush on her cheeks as she sat across from a demon named Greyson VonTreli. He had tanned skin a little darker than Lucian's golden tone, light hair not blonde but almost as white as Reyna's, crimson eyes and black horns that curled around his head like a ram. 

She couldn't take her eyes off him, she seriously has a thing for demons! Greyson caught her stare and smiled at her, her heart nearly burst from her chest. What is wrong with her? She didn't come here with any intention of finding any of these creatures attractive. But here she is crushing on Lucian and now this one! 

"Are you alright...Julia was it?" He asked and she nearly melted in her chair at the sound of his voice, it vibrated over her bones. My goodness, she can't be the only one feeling like this. 

"Y-yeah it's Julia and I'm fine." She blushed and he grinned. He never thought he'd ever find a mortal attractive but this girl is gorgeous. He has to get to know her, her scent is intoxicating. 

The tables were finally cleared of the massive feast and the UN, Magics and School officials excused themselves from the hall to have their own party in the teachers' suite upstairs. 

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