Sun Kissed Beach

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Drinking on the beach seemed like a fun idea. It would be fun to wind down and relax with friends, wasted as hell.

Tee had suggested the idea to the group after three gruelling end of year exams to ease tensions. They hadn't gone to the beach in a while anyways, and the end of the exams served as a good excuse to head down there. The group even managed to get the juniors to agree to come down and have a good time, minus the alcohol for them (supposedly).

Now the sun was beginning to set, and the majority of the seniors were buzzed, to say the least. Bottles of beer were strewn across the sand and there were people either lazily or over enthusiastically dancing to old Thai classics or some generic EDM music blasting out of some fancy radio. Some had gone down to the water to splash others as entertainment, like Mek and Boss who ran into the water and began a water fight, whilst others chose to huddle down and get stoned or fondle each other indiscreetly.

As for King, he decided to lie on a beach chair a few metres away to be alone. Even though he did have fun socialising and flirting with some of the other guys, he still was an introvert at heart, and enjoyed being alone, preferably with some plants. The beach's breeze gently moved against the fabric of his shirt and cooled his body, which was heated by the heavy amount of alcohol he drank. The soft, cool air brushed his skin and blew his hair as he drank in the beauty before him- the sunset colliding against the tidal waves and a perfect, beautiful orange and blue gradient sky he never got the time to appreciate in campus.

But the sunset wasn't the only beauty he was enjoying. Ram was also by a group of juniors, sitting by the rocks and just looking at the waves. He hadn't said a word, but looked content. To King's delight, Ram had shrugged off his shirt an hour ago and his pale, tattooed skin stood out against the blank tanned skin of the other juniors he was by. King admired how each tattoo was so intricately detailed and just suited Ram so well. Ram's well sculpted, statuesque physique was grabbing his attention immediately, and he wondered how strong he was since he was a boxer. He had beaten Bohn down pretty well in the last fight, despite the results being a draw. Maybe Ram would carry him as if he weighed nothing. He could easily restrain him and not even break a sweat.

King felt his chest tighten as his mind, and blood, went further south. They hadn't gone that far yet, but they had done the expected extended kissing and licks. By god, did King look forward to that day when Ram would finally manhandle him without hesitation, tear off his clothing and attack him with kisses and bites and affection-

"Oi, Ram!"

Suddenly, he saw that Ram noticed one of his friends, Ting Ting (?), walk towards him, got up and walked towards her then greeted her warmly. King was too far away to discern anything they said, but he did notice how they snuck a glance of him momentarily.

"Wonder what they said about me," King mused.

Ram nodded and Ting waved him off as she went to the cooler of EST Cola bottles Tee insisted on investing in (with Bohn's money, of course). As Ram walked closer to him, King tried to compose himself and act as if he did not have a dirty daydream whilst staring at him.

"Hey, Cool Boy." He greeted. "Having fun?"

Ram shrugged.

"Not bad."

Despite his apathetic response, Ram's face reeked of frustration, as if he was suppressing the urge to fight somebody or even kill them. King immediately dropped the playful grin and sat up.

"What's wrong?"

Ram didn't say anything in response.

"Is Bohn making Duen sad again? Ugh, we told him not to overreact so much-"

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