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You were sitting on a washing machine in Jeans garage. The two of you were waiting for Aphinya. "So...what's this?" You asked, holding the vinyl disc in your hand. "That, that is Nicolo. He isn't dead, but he has no consciousness." He answered. "No, well yes, but what happened?" You explained, wanting more details from Jean. "I turned him into a vinyl disc. I'll explain more once Aphinya is here. It seems you have a power you are not aware about." He looked at you with those pink tinted eyes again, just like daggers. You were frustrated you had to wait.

"Finally. You're here." Jean said out loud, turning in the direction of Aphinya who had just arrived. "Is Y/n okay? Have you told her anything yet?" Aphinya questions with his gaze staying on you. "I'm fine...just please tell me what's going on already." You spoke eagerly, you wanted answers and you wanted them now. You had waited long enough. "Stands." Aphinya says, leaning against one of the cars in the garage, "A stand is a manifestation of the soul. Jean, me, and apparently, you have one." Aphinya began and went on to explain more. How they worked, what they do, even how stand users attract other stand users. "Does she know how to manifest her stand?" Aphinya asks Jean, "No. doesn't seem like it." The guy shrugged. "Try to manifest it." Aphinya orders. You look at him before doing your horrible attempt at trying to summon something you've never even seen or heard of.

"Augh!" You cry out in anger "I can't do it. We'll have to try another time." You say, implying that you had given up temporarily. You were trying for at least ten minutes. "Alright, Alright fine. You've tried long enough." Aphinya suggested to talk about something else although one thought caught your attention. "So is this why you meet so many weird people?" You began, looking at the two boys with an uneasy look. "Kakyoin is one too, huh?" You questioned, you had hit the nail right on the head. Their looks softened. "Yes." They simultaneously say. "Some are friends and some are foe, Kakyoin is a friend I can assure you." Aphinya tells you. "How many people have you killed?" Your voice was filled with anger, you weren't sure you could comprehend murder at the moment. "A few necessary one, only out of reason." Jean answers quickly. There was silence, a long and uncomfortable silence. You got up and went to leave. "I'll see you on tomorrow hopefully." You say before walking further away from the two. "Wait." One says, "We hope you won't be upset with us forever and will end up understanding where we are coming from, Y/n." Aphinya pleaded. "Yeah." Was all you said before leaving the two behind.

On your way home you wondered if Kakyoin has ever killed someone too, since he has a stand. You wondered and pondered for hours of the night. In your bed, completely drowned so much that you had forgotten all about your responsibilities. You fell asleep in your bed, looks like duties will have to wait a little longer. You woke up, only hours later. It was 5 in the morning. You whine to yourself at how sore your body was. You considered going to a doctor but you didn't really want to. You tried getting comfy but you just couldn't, you decided to just rest outside with a cup of tea to calm yourself. You turn on the stove, fill a pot up with water and grab your preferred tea. It was cold and rainy, you grab yourself a blanket and big sweater before going outside. You set yourself down on a chair on the back porch. The cup of tea kept your hands warm, the small breeze of the wind against your face and the song of the rain crackling against the roof. Maybe waking up this early wasn't too bad. But you'd probably have to change around your schedule which wasn't ideal. The sliding glass door opened.

"Hey pumpkin." Your dad says, you look back at him. "What are you doing up so early?" He asks, leaning against the door and looking at you with a soft smile. "I couldn't go back to sleep. It was nice out, so I made some tea. There's still some left over if you want some." You offered, he hummed "Sure. I'll get some tea and talk with you before going to work." Your dad walks into the kitchen without closing the door. You look back towards the outside and wait. Eventually, the door closes and your dad sits besides you. "Hey dad." You start, he looks at you. "Have you ever heard of a stand?" You question, not looking at him. His face was filled with confusion "No, I have no clue. Inform me." He asks. You weren't sure if you actually wanted to inform him, he might call you crazy. "No, it's fine. Just heard some kids talking about it." You lied, but for his own good. You took a sip of your tea and feel it go down your throat from how cold it was. "Alright, pumpkin." His tone softened out of worry, he to took a sip of his tea. "This is really good, when did you get it?" He asks. "I've had it for a while..." you answer, the two of you sat in silence. Just listening to the rain and enjoying the atmosphere. Some words were said but not much.

The two of you sat there for at least an hour, until the sun came up. "I should get my things ready so I don't have to worry about it later." You spoke as you got up. Your cup of tea finished. "Alright, I should get to work now then." Your dad gets up walking towards you to kiss you on your head. "See you later pumpkin." He says, you hug him before he leaves. "Cya papa."

You got ready for school and placed your work clothes on your bed so you didn't have to worry about it later. Of course you brush your teeth, hair, eat, and grab your backpack before leaving. You didn't have to leave for another thirty minutes. You haven't checked your phone in a while, so you pick it up and read the time. "6:30"
It said. In your notifications it seems you got more messages from Kakyoin. He must be asleep by now. You check the messages. "Hey we haven't talked in a while, what's up?" Kakyoin asked. Right, you haven't messaged him in a week. That's not too long for you but it might be for him, you keep that in mind. "I'm fine. Going through things right now but no worries. Hry?" You responded. It'll be a while until he sends another message. In the meantime, you stayed in your room on your pc watching YouTube.

Time passes and now you're at school. You're early and one of the few people in the room. Someone comes inside, its Aphinya. "Hey Aphinya!" You called out to him, wanting him to sit next to you. He obliged. "So, what's up?" He asked. You grunt, "I think my opinion will fluctuate over time. If stands attract stands then I would probably end up having to hurt someone so...We'll see." Aphinya was accepting of this answer. "Alright, good." He starts, "what about your homework?" Your face went pale, you didn't do any homework last night because you were too busy thinking about stands. "I...didn't do it." You respond. "We have ten minutes to do some of it so let's go, I'll just give you the answers. You'll be fine." Aphinya said with a light and giggly tone as he pulled out his binder. You thank him.

It was around eleven when you got a weird feeling just like the one from yesterday when you were at the skate rank. It was lunch time now, you had told Jean and Aphinya about the change in the atmosphere. They agreed and say if they wanted to confront the possible stand user is to meet them in the back of the school after hours. The rest of that day was like trying to sneak in a lions den. Making sure you weren't being too suspicious. The time came and school was over. You waited for everyone else to leave before going to meet in the back of the school, you were positive the stand users knew what you were doing. You spot Jean and Aphinya back there by themselves. "Any luck?" Jean asks you, you shake your head "No. must have been our imagination." You say then turn around to see two dudes and a girl. "You wish it was your imagination." The bigger guy said. Now honestly you started wishing it was your imagination, "Great."


𝒦𝓃𝑜𝒸𝓀 𝒪𝓊𝓉! ; Noriaki Kakyoin ; 𝒢𝑜𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝒽𝓇𝑜𝓊𝑔𝒽 𝓇𝑒𝓌𝑜𝓇𝓀𝓈.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang