Chapter Twenty Five

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            "We ought to get moving ," Brand muttered to Perry. They were standing by the remains of the second minion. "A place like this can't be safe."

"Aye," Perry said. "We're endangering our lives by being here." He sighed. "Are you sure you don't want to go back to the Muse?"

"How are you and that girl going to carry a wounded demon between you?" Brand snorted. "You need my help and I'm glad to give it, even if it means I'm in danger."

"You'll certainly be in danger."

Brand said, "I'm ready. You know that."

Perry chuckled. "We'll leave soon. Dominae and the minion need to be wakened."

Brand nodded, looking toward the camp. "I don't like this, Perry," he said.

"I know," Perry said. "No one is happy about it. But there's not much we can do."

"I know what I'd do." Brand looked back at Perry.

Perry smirked. "Doesn't seem honorable to me, letting the minion die. Not after what it did for Dominae."

"She's more trouble than she's worth." Brand suggested.

"I have a duty," said Perry. "I cannot leave her stranded with the minion, no matter how tempting it may seem. I've made promises to her and to the minion as well. I'm a dragon of my word."

"I doubt either the minion or the girl would go out of their way for you."

"Dominae would."

"You sound certain."

"Aye," Perry said. "I am. She's still chasing the trail of those friends of hers. She went to the slaver's market to look for one of them even though the idea of being there horrified her. She went back after having seen the horrors of the place." He shrugged. "That's enough for me."

"But the demon--"

"The demon is under her protection as she is under mine. That makes him my responsibility, whether she realizes it or not."

Brand muttered, "Honor killed the dragon."

"It hasn't yet, old friend." Perry said.

"Aye, not yet. But it may still."


Torrin was the one who approached the tent. His steps were too soft for Dominae's ears to pick up, though the minion sat up and stared to the tent flap. "We have company," he said. "Skulking about."

Torrin pushed the flap aside and stepped in, his eyes darkening at the sight of the minion and Dominae together. "We're to leave soon," he said sharply, eyes falling on Dominae. The minion's presence made his lip curl. It was all he could do to keep from launching himself at the injured creature. He knew Dominae wouldn't thank him for such behavior. Especially not after the minion had saved her life in the woods.

"Thank you, Torrin." Dominae looked from the minion to the werewolf. She could see Torrin struggling against his instincts. "I'll be out in a moment. Minion? You about ready?"

"Aye," said the demon, his unblinking eyes on the werewolf. "Just about."

Torrin glared at the minion then slipped out of the tent. Dominae sighed. "He's really not happy about this."

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