14 | Sokovia Accords

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   Rolling his eyes, Pietro grumbled, "I'd like to go back to kicking your ass now."

   Riley scoffed. "Excuse me? JO, run me those numbers, please! Who keeps winning every time Pietro and I spar?"

   "Processing numbers," announced JOCASTA.

   "You're oddly polite for someone who's so incredibly annoying," Pietro commented.

   Riley shrugged. "I do it out of spite for dumb adults like you," she taunted.

   "Miss Valor has defeated Mr. Maximoff 93% of the time throughout the past four days."

   "Ha!" Riley yelled while Pietro denied, "No way! Your robot lady is just biased!"

   "That is funny, Pietro, but I'm just a computer. I can't be biased about anything," JOCASTA revealed. "However, I will admit that according to these numbers, Miss Valor is better than you."

   Riley snickered. "It's not my fault I keep winning. I'm a badass and you're too predictable." When Pietro tried to argue, she held her hand up. "Don't even try it, roadrunner. You lack stamina and endurance, and you don't think before you act!"

   Pietro shook his head, his fluffy platinum hair moving with him. "That's unfair! You know all my moves best because we've trained for so long together."

   Riley differed. "It's time to start taking this stuff more seriously, Pietro. You're losing your focus. Wanda's excelling and you're falling behind," she told him, becoming a little more serious. "You have the potential, you're just not using your brain. Honestly, I'm starting to think being a man is a handicap or somethin'."

   As she walked over to grab her water bottle, Riley added, "Haven't you ever read a comic book or watched superhero movies? There are tons of fake heroes with superspeed that you can rip off."

   "Are you forgetting I was an orphan living in a third-world country?"

   Eyes widening, Riley faltered. "O-Oh, I didn't mean it like that! I just meant—" She paused when she noticed Pietro smirk. "You're such an asshole!"

   With a laugh, Pietro teased, "It's just too easy to guilt-trip you, Riley."

   "Yeah, yeah, whatever." As she took a swig of her water, her eyes lit up with an idea. "Hey, do you remember Fury talking about that kid's movie with the superhero family?"

   Pietro had to think about it. "You mean the one with the kids that have the same powers as us? I think he said it was called The Incredibles."

   "Yeah, that one!" affirmed Riley. "Maybe we can watch it and rip off their tricks! Or at least inspire some new ones. Your speed is badass and you don't even know how to use it."

   He chuckled at the thought. "How are you so sure that could work?"

   Riley shrugged. "How hard could it be?" She placed her bottle back down and stretched out her arms. "Alright, let's get back to work. I wanna see some improvement by the end of the day."

   Like clockwork, the stubborn man started to disagree, only to be interrupted by JOCASTA. "Miss Valor, there's been an accident."

   Riley quickly switched gears, eyebrows furrowed together. "Tell me everything, JO," she demanded.

   "It's the team in Lagos, Nigeria. I'm receiving information from news stations and emergency calls in the area. It appears there was an explosion about 10 minutes ago."

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