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   RILEY WAS ABSOLUTELY EUPHORIC. She was on top of the world, which wasn't a feeling she'd been anticipating ever experiencing again after losing basically her entire family. For the second time. But a few months had passed with the wind, and Riley was finally feeling good again. She was unstoppable.

   Now, you might be wondering what Riley O'Dair's been up to these past few months. The short answer was: Seeing the world. Well, more specifically: Seeing New York... and the general tri-state area.

   Riley had been spending more time out in public instead of locking herself up in the secluded Avengers Facility, whether it was patrolling or merely getting to know society better. She lounged around in cafes and bookstores, she walked the busiest tourist attractions, and she ate some of the best food she'd had in a while. Life had slowed, but in a way, life was better. You know, ignoring all of the shit that had gone down.

   Now that she was thinking about it, Riley oddly hadn't been back at the Avengers Facility in a while. She often visited Tony or stayed in hotels in the tri-state area. She hardly got to live so freely, so now that she could, she was taking advantage of it as much as possible. If that meant she technically didn't have a home for a while, then so be it.

   Of course, things got lonely, which was when she'd call up Vision, Tony, or Rhodey. Sometimes she'd get mysterious calls from unknown numbers, which always ended up being from Natasha. Turns out—the two were more inseparable than they originally thought.

   Speaking of Tony Stark, he was better. Better than he was a few months ago, at least. He was constantly throwing himself into new projects. His whole thing was relaxing and making the world better, safer. It was more than Riley had done lately, but she figured she deserved some time off.

   Tony's latest project, she'd last heard, was reconstructing the Avengers Facility and making room for storage. He was planning on selling Stark Towers, but his things still needed a place to stay. Riley was excited to go back and see all of Tony's changes after being away for so long.

   It was early in the morning when Riley O'Dair had decided to go on a run. Yes, even though she'd been relaxing and doing whatever she wanted, Riley kept up with her training. You never know when trouble will come calling, after all. Speaking of trouble...

   "Miss Valor," JOCASTA spoke, interrupting the music that had been playing on Riley's cellphone, "you're receiving a phone call from Tony Stank. Would you like to answer?" Before Riley could reply, she was cut off. "It appears my protocols are being overridden."

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