Chapter 119 Birthday Present

Beginne am Anfang

*You see Asgore's fist turning bright yellow and red and he throws a blazing punches at you.He lashes at a fiery furry of fire punches at you and you absorb all the hits and feel your energy back at full strength.

<You're no longer god like...You're back to how you were before you met Nightmare...But you still have the capabilities of using other people's magic...Just not flawlessly as before>

"Thanks Asgore"
"Glad I could help you out.But I think breaking the Barrier used most of my energy"
"Don't worry about it"Asgore
"(Y/N) are you feeling better?"Chara
"But you're not going"Frisk
*You all continued forward and you,The Majesties, the four humans, Rei, Undyne and Alphys are in the Private Quarters.

"Whew Hey Alphys did you got that on video?"Undyne
"Which one?"
"Well tell her Al"Undyne
"O-oh ok..Well I recorded the Prince's first dance..your duet with Happstablook , the fireworks and the Barrier being broken"
"Let's watch the Barrier being broken again!"Asriel
"Yeah I didn't get a chance to look at it"
"Oh ok..let me just hook this up the TV..M-my Majesties you don't mind do you?"Alphys
"Not at all"Asgore
"We'll make dinner so all of you just have fun
*You see Asgore and Toriel walk into the kitchen
"Gory our son has friends over!!"Toriel loudly whispered
"Let's make the best dinner!!"Asgore said excitingly
"Oh he heard us"Toriel
*You all chuckled
*You see Alphys finally hooked up her camera to the TV and see the TV screen with you in it.You see yourself standing in front of the Barrier and seeing it crack...Then you see the Barrier being shattered

"Awesome!"Asriel and Rei
"Its awesome seeing a replay"Undyne
"Yeah and we didn't almost fly off this time"Chara
"Ok...Wait Alphys play that back"
"About three seconds"
*Alphys rewinds the recording

"Now play it slowly"
*You see the Barrier being shattered in slow motion but you saw a glimpse-
"Pause it!"
*Alphys pauses it
*You see...Gaster..your Gaster in a single frame in the video..He gesturing something in his hands
"Alphys can you zoom in on Gaster?"
"You can't see him?"
"Next to me..Standing on my right side"
"I-i Don't see him"Alphys
"Yeah me too"Undyne
*You think to yourself
"(Y/N)?"Frisk and Chara
"(Y/N)!"Frisk and Chara
*You looked at them
"Sorry I was thinking"
"We know"Frisk
"But we can't see him either"Chara
"Are you just pulling a prank"Asriel
"If you are this isn't even clever or funny"Rei
*You looked to the floor and continued thinking

No one's POV
"I don't think it is"SS!Chara
"He never thinks this long"Frisk
"Well he did were unconscious on the day you were kidnapped.He couldn't stop thinking about hunting down the Monsters that planned on taking you"Undyne
"Well how long was he thinking?"Chara
"About four hours or more"Undyne
"Wow he really had you in his head"SS!Chara
"But that was before we dated"Frisk
"Ok stop bragging"SS!Chara
"I'm not"Frisk
"(Y/N)! Snap-"Chara
"Hold it punks..It's best if you leave him..I tried snapping him out of it before but when he gets like this nothing gets through him"Undyne
*Frisk and Chara talked to each other...Frisk and Chara kissed (Y/N) on the cheek

Your POV

*You blinked a few times and see that your being stared by everyone
"What's wrong?"
"Well apparently that brought him back"Undyne
"F-fascinating humans can make him snap out of it by kissing him"Alphys
"No that's not something you should take note of!"Frisk
"(Y/N) are you with us?"Chara
"I will always be with you till the end of time"
"Ok he's back"Chara
"What happened?"
"You don't remember?"SS!Chara
"Well I remembered getting tired then suddenly everything went dark"

"Wait you don't remember talking to us when you were on Asgore's back?"SS!Chara
"No..when did that happen?"
"...Alphys please check (Y/N)'s condition"Undyne
"(Y/N) we have to go back to the Lab"Alphys
"You're physical condition is fine but your mental condition needs checking"Alphys
"No I'm fine"
"No you're not"Frisk
"..Are you gonna put me back in that tube?"
"No you're just gonna be put in a MRI scanner"Alphys
"Oh ok..When?"
"Now"Frisk said holding your left arm
"Let's go"Chara said pulling your right arm
"But where's Asriel?"
"I'm here"Asriel
"Oh sorry I didn't let you see the Surface first"
"Mom!!Dad!!Something's wrong with (Y/N)!!Im letting him go to the Lab!!"Asriel yelled
*Asgore and Toriel walked in
"What's wrong?!"Toriel
"He's acting strange!"Asriel
"(Y/N) let's go now"Chara
*Undyne picks you up

"Undyne wait!"
"No way Punk!Something is definitely wrong with you if you forgot about the Prince"Undyne
*The King and Queen stopped cooking and return to the leaving room
*Everyone the went to the the Lab in Hotland.

*You all went down to the Second Level

"I thought these two would never have to come here"
"We did"Frisk
"..Never mind it was something that everyone forgot anyways"Chara
"Just go back to normal"Chara
"I have no clue what you're complaining about but since you all want me to get checked out I'll go along with this"
*Frisk holds your left hand..Chara held your right hand

*You followed Alphys to the MRI scanner and you were place on a white table.You laid down and closed your eyes

"Ok this will be over in a minute"Alphys

*Alphys turned on the scanner and you were pulled into the scanner. . . . . . .you were pulled back out.
<Well technically it takes about 15-90 minutes but we don't have that kind of patience to wait>

*Frisk,Chara,Asriel and SS!Chara walked up to you
"How are you feeling?"Frisk
"It's a scanner not microwave(well technically it uses microwaves)"

*You walked back out and see Alphys reading the results on a sheet of paper.
"(Y/N) these are in Gaster's language can you read it for us?"Alphys
"Uhm sure"
*You see and image of your brain from your last scan and recent image of your brain beside it...No noticeable difference

*You read the Wing Dings

"Killing me will not make you get your happy ending.I took something from you and the only way you're gonna get it back is by coming through a grey door.I hope you make the right choice
(Y/N) because soon you'll find out what you something you can't live without"
(Partner are you there?)
(That son of a bitch)
*Your eyes glowed red
"What's wrong now?!" Frisk
"Gaster is alive"
"What?"Asgore and Toriel

"Now pretty soon I have to go meet him"
"What do you mean he's alive?"Alphys
"Tell us (Y/N)"Asgore
"Can't I have to go alone"you said and walked away
*You were tackled down by your girls

"You're not going"Chara
"Not without our permission"Frisk
"Why are you acting serious all of the sudden?"SS!Chara
"Gaster took something from me..and without it I'm going to die soon"
"Let me go now"
"Explain!"Chara and Frisk
"I don't have that kind of time anymore..Let me go or this is really the last time we'll ever talk..And I don't wanna die"
*They got off you and picked you up
"Where are you going?"SS!Chara
"He said look for and Grey door"
*You remembered you finding a hidden room in Gaster's Lab

"Follow me"

<That's right...That's freakin right!!...I bet your fat ass you forgot about that door!!>

Next Time

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