Chapter 1

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I had been so angry with Harry when he had gone to that school and left me on my own, with them. I was right to be angry, the Dursley's were dreadful, despicable and cruel. Though I had to admit they were always harder on him. At least I was allowed to pick out clothes from thrift stores, I couldn't very well wear Dudley's hand me downs. That would raise too much attention among the neighbors. Still that year without him, while he was at Hogwarts, had been long and I had been on edge for nearly every second of it. I was glad to have him returned home safely at the school year's end.

Spirits had been high and he had gladly shared a photo album from Hagrid with me. However as summer continued his mood had fallen with each passing day that brought no letters from his friends. Poor Hedwig was getting impatient and restless in her cage too. Uncle Vernon had wanted her gone, but to my surprise Petunia had said she could stay.

I had spent the entire summer studying Harry's school books and listening to stories about his time there. I was glad he had been able to make some friends and I wasn't surprised to hear that he had made some enemies too. But I was a little worried when I found out the truth of what had happened to our parents. Harry and I had always been told they had died in a car crash. To find that an evil wizard had killed them was rather unnerving. Then to find that Harry, as a baby had killed that wizard was even more insane. But what terrified me the most was learning that the wizard had come back and tried to kill Harry again while he was at school. I could only hope that the wizard had been killed once and for all,

Harry and I went up to our shared room just before Uncle Vernon's work guests arrived. Upon entering the room, we discovered an odd looking creature upon the bed. An ugly thing with a long crooked nose, bat-like ears, and eyes the size of saucers. He wore a tattered shift, possibly a pillow case, but I couldn't be sure. It looked as though it had been white, but was now a sickly green color.

"Hello," I said softly, venturing into the room, afraid of startling it, "What's your name?"

As I drew closer, Harry's hand closed around my arm, holding me back from the creature.

"Dobby, miss." The creature squeaked.

"Hello Dobby, if you don't mind me asking, what kind of creature might you be?" I asked gently. It felt as though we were walking on a razor's edge, I feared what would happen if he tumbled off, but curiosity won out.

"Dobby is a house elf miss." He was quite sweet, I had to tread carefully, I did not wish to hurt his feelings.

"Fantastic, and why might you be in our room?"

"Dobby has come to warn Harry Potter, not to return to school this year."

Harry stepped forward, "Why not?" His voice was harsh, he loved Hogwarts. Nothing this elf would say could sway him, Harry was going to Hogwarts no matter the cost. So was I. It wasn't as though we would stay here a moment longer than absolutely necessary.

"Master has unleashed great dangers at Hogwarts, it is not safe for Harry Potter to go back. Oh Harry Potter say you won't go back." The little elf pleaded.

"No." Harry's voice was hard, he would not change his mind, no matter what.

"But your friends have forgotten you, they haven't even written you a single letter."

"How do you know my friends haven't been writing to me?" He took a step closer, abandoning his place by my side.

Out of thin air Dobby pulled several envelopes, thick with parchment inside. The creature had been taking his letters! How dare he!

"You've been stealing my letters!"

"Dobby hoped that if Harry Potter thought his friends had forgotten him, he would not return to Hogwarts." This elf was delusional if he really thought that would work.

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