Chapter 15

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"Why would you give me this?" Dudley asked, gesturing to the money in his large hand, "It's not fake, is it?"

"I didn't do anything to it, if that's what your asking. So, if it's fake, then it was fake when Marge gave it to me. And I don't need it. My parents were incredibly rich and they left Harry and I their entire fortune, making us rich as a result of their deaths. A couple hundred pounds is nothing to me." I answered, not bothering to add that since it was muggle money, I would have to go through the extensive process of trading it for galleons.

We walked in silence for a bit before Dudley asked, "What's it like? At your school?"

My step faltered slightly from shock. Dudley had never expressed any interest in Hogwarts.

"Well, I mean, what do you want to know?" I asked.

And suddenly, it was like a damn had broken and questions began to spill from Dudley's mouth without restraint, "What classes do you take? What are the different houses? Are there even different houses? Who's your favorite teacher? Is your cat magic? What do you need those brooms for? Can you teleport? Can you turn invisible? What kind of spells can you do? What is the food like there? Are unicorns real? And dragons? And everything else? Oh and can you shape shift?"

I decided it would be best to tackle each question individually, "I take a lot of different classes. There's astronomy, potions, charms, history of magic, transfiguration, herbology, defense against the dark arts, care of magical creatures, divination, the study of non magical individuals, arithmancy and ancient runes. This year I'll be taking astronomy, potions, defense against the dark arts, herbology, charms, care of magical creatures, divination, the study of non magical individuals, history of magic and transfiguration.

"There are four different house; Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Slytherin. You are placed into a specific house based on your personality. Ravenclaw is for the witty, intelligent, and wise. Gryffindor is for the brave, chivalrous and courage. Hufflepuff is for the patient, just, loyal and hard working. And Slytherin is for the cunning, ambitious, and resourceful. Harry is in Gryffindor and I'm in Slytherin.

"My favorite teacher is Professor Snape, he teaches potion and he's in charge of my house.

"Yes my cat is magical. Since he is less than a year old, he has not shown any magical abilities yet, but he'll be able to do something once he's around two years old. He's also going to have an extended life span.

"We can fly on the brooms. Only people with magical abilities can use them, but they're fantastic. We have a wizards sport played entirely on brooms. I don't explain the whole game because it's hard to do without a field, but there are different positions. My position, yes I'm on my house's team, my position is called the seeker. Harry plays the same position for his house.

"There are a couple of different ways to teleport. We can go through one fire place and into another fire place. We can set specific objects to teleport at a certain time and then hold onto them and teleport with them. And then we can teleport on our own once we're seventeen.

"Yes, we can turn invisible. There is some really advanced cloaking magic that the head Master can do, but other people use invisibility cloaks, I've never seen one of them before.

"There's a spell for just about everything, and people are creating more all the time. The food is extraordinary, next summer, I can bring some home for you. Unicorns and dragons are real, so are mermaids and centaurs, phoenixs, werewolves, vampires, and all sorts of other things you've never imagined.

"We can shape shift a bit. Like we can become animagi, meaning we can shape shift into an animal. But we can also transfigure our features, that's really advanced though. Then there are people who are born metamorphmagi, meaning they can change their features at will."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2021 ⏰

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