Chapter 3

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In all honestly, when I awoke the next morning, I was a mess of nerves. Today was to be the first day of classes. I calmed a bit when Pansy offered to show me the way back to the great hall.

Draco, Crabbe and Goyle were already there, deep in conversation with a dark skinned boy, when we arrived. I seated myself beside Draco, Pansy on my other side.

"Emma," Draco said, "This is Blaise. Blaise, this is Emma."

"Nice to meet you." I said, offering him a small smile.

"You too," He said in response, before returning his attention to his breakfast.

Just as I was beginning to look at the food, Draco took the liberty of piling various foods onto my plate. I stared down at the eggs, sausage, tomatoes and toast, trying to decide what to eat first. Suddenly from across the great hall, a terrible shrieking began to pierce my ears.

"Stealing the car, I wouldn't have been surprised if they'd expelled you, you wait till I get hold of you, I don't suppose you stopped to think what your father and I went through when we saw it was gone! We got a letter from Dumbledore last night, I thought your father would die of shame, we didn't bring you up to behave like this, you and Harry could both have died! I am absolutely disgusted! Your father's facing an inquiry at work, its entirely your fault and if you put another toe out of line we'll bring you straight back home!" The voice was clearly Mrs. Weasley's and I craned my neck to see who she was yelling at. I had read what a Howler was and knew that one was only sent in the most severe of cases. But how had one of the Weasleys gotten into trouble already. Just as she mentioned Harry's name, my eyes landed on the crimson envelope floating right in front of Ron's face.

"What is that all about?" I asked no one in particular.

"You haven't heard?" Asked Draco, "Potter and Weasley missed the train, so they flew a car here and crashed it into the whomping willow."

How could Harry be so stupid? "Idiots." I muttered under my breath. The others nodded their agreement.


My first day of classes was rather boring, though my interest was peaked to find I had defense against the dark arts with my brother. Harry had given me an inquisitive look upon seeing me, I had yet to have the chance to tell him that I had been moved to his year.

Our teacher was a bumbling idiot, so full of himself that he had tested us on our knowledge of him. In the back of the class, Draco and I mumbled the few answers we knew to each other.

I was rather annoyed to find that Hermione had gotten every single answer correct.

"What has she done, did she memorize all of the books before the start of term?" I muttered beneath my breath.

"Probably," Draco replied, disgust evident in his tone.


On Wednesday I asked Draco to teach me how to play Quidditch. He agreed and told me that tryouts would be that evening and if I turned out to be any good, then I ought to give it a go. We invited Pansy to join us, but she declined.

So right after our last class of the day ended, we scrabbled to complete all of our homework. Once it was finished with, we hurried down to the Quidditch pitch. I had bought myself a broom in Diagon Alley, a Nimbus 2001, but never before had it been used. If I turned out to be rubbish at flying, then this would have been an extreme waste of my money. I crossed my fingers.

We entered the Slytherin dressing rooms and changed, Draco fetching a large case containing the four balls. He quickly explained to me the basic rules of how to play and the positions, followed by a brief description of each of the balls. I knew Harry was the youngest seeker in one hundred years, but... He had been eleven when he had gotten onto the team. I was still ten. But I was a second year, so I had every right to tryout.

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