Chapter 14

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"Hey Aunt Petunia," I said, one morning during breakfast. Harry had made it, of course. He did all the cooking, I did the cleaning.

"What," She barked.

"Harry and I need our permission slips signed for school." I began. Was this blackmail? I was pretty sure it was, and I was positive I didn't care.

"So?" She said, "Why would I involve myself in your school at all?"

I knew it would come to this, "Well, I wouldn't want to accidentally slip and tell Vernon your little secret."

Her beady eyes narrowed, "Go get the slips then, you wretched little girl."

I ran up the stairs to collect them and then went right back down. The sooner this was done, the less time she had to change her mind. I slapped them down in front of her and she began to read.

"What is Hogsmeade?" She asked.

"It's the village near my school."

"Why would you go there?"

"There are restaurants and stuff."

"There aren't any shops are there? You can't buy any of your freak things right?"

"Right, no shops." I lied easily.

"Good," She said and signed the slips.

I snatched them from the table and sprinted up the stairs, to the bedroom. Hedwig was there, perfect.

I snatched up a quill and a piece of parchment and scribbled a note.

Dear, Professor Dumbledore
Here are the permission slips for Hogsmeade for Harry and me. They were signed by our Aunt Petunia. Sending them ahead so we don't lose them.

I attached the slips to the letter and tied them to Hedwig's leg. I gave her an owl treat and sent her on her way.

I watched as she flew away. Just as I was about to close the window, I saw Draco's eagle owl soaring towards me. I moved aside so he could soar inside and perch himself on the desk. He held out his leg for me. I was surprised he had replied so quickly, I had just sent the letter a week ago, telling him about Snape coming and being able to fly on my broom again.

I opened the letter and began to read.

Dear, Emma
I cannot believe the muggles. Do you want me to come get you? I can come get you. Mother and father said it would be alright for you to move in with us. Let me know in your response. If yes, then I will need your address and if you have a working fireplace that we could connect to the floo network. I have finished my homework already so I can help you do yours. And we could fly together, you wouldn't have to do it in the forest. I have some spare snitches, Bludgers and Quaffles that we could use. We even have two sets of goal posts. Though you would have to deal with the peacocks father insists on purchasing. We have nine of them now! He says they're elegant. I know you have a thing about animals having names, so I took the liberty of naming them for you. Father says names are only meant for humans, I had to name our old house elf. There are six females and three males. The females are called Anthem, Orchid, Kia, Mookie, Passion, and Bacardi. The males are Bosco, Spook and Taz. Hey, before you laugh, I never said anything about being good with assigning names. If I ever have children, I will let my wife give them their names. You're much better with names, at least, I like the name Emmett.
P.S. If you come, you can't tell my parents that I'm taking Muggle Studies. They think it's a stupid class.

I shook my head in mild exasperation. Of course he named the peacocks. And of course his parents thought that Muggle Studies was a stupid class. I had imagined them calling it weak and useless.

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