Chapter 2

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Tori POV:

I have never been more nervous in my entire life. Not even a championship match has given me this many nerves.

It was my first day at Hollywood Arts, a school for the most talented kids in LA. I sent in a video of my singing just for fun, but then I actually got accepted in. Somehow, Trina got in too. We pulled into the parking lot of the most colorful school I've seen.

"Come on lil sis. I'm not gonna be late on my first day cause of you" Trina says to me.

We walk in together, but of course she quickly leaves me chasing after some guy. Classic Trina. I see a friendly looking girl with bright red hair walking past me.

"Hey, can you help me? I'm new here and have no clue where to go." I say to her. She immediately gives me a massive squeeze.

"Hi! I'm Cat, lemme see your schedule" she squeals. "Oooooh we have first period together and fourth period! Come on!" Cat says as she grabs my arm, dragging me to our first class.

We walk into this awesome studio with a piano at the front with tables and stools in the middles of the room.

"This is the writing studio" Cat explains to me. She continues on about something, but I just admire the artwork lining the walls.

The class goes by relatively fast and so do my next two periods. Cat has been helping me find all my classes and now we were off to acting: grade 11 with one Erwin Sikowitz. The redhead has me sit next to her in the room with a stage at the front and chairs scattered around.

Behind me a hear a noise repeat, almost like the sound of crutches. I turn to see a good looking guy holding the door open for one gorgeous goth who crutches in. There's no way.
Jades POV:

God I hate these crutches, but my ankle hurts even more if I try and put weight on it. Kids in the hallways keep starring at me and I can't even tell you how many times I've yelled "mind your own damn business" today.

I enter Sikowitzs room hoping his class will improve my day just a little. As I enter, there's a newbie. She looks familiar, but I have no clue from where. I sit in my typical spot in the back with Beck and give him a kiss for helping me.

"Jade, kiss your boyfriend on your own time" Sikowitz says as he climbs through the window. I roll my eyes and look up at the stage.

"DRIVE BY ACTING EXERCISE" the crazy teacher yells. "YOU'RE ALL ANGRY IRISHMEN" and the class erupts into the exercise, except for one person.

"Sure listen here newbie" I say to the Latina still in her seat. "You ought to feck out my school" I sneer at her.

Her eyes widen with confusion. The exercise ends and Sikowitz heads to the front of the room with his coconut.

"Everyone, meet Tori, our new student" he says with a slurp of the coconut afterwards. "Now Tori, do you know what improv is?" He asks her.

"No" she replies with a clueless look. She clearly doesn't belong here.

"Improv is acting without a script. Now today we're going to be doing alphabetical improv. What is alphabetical improv you ask. It is improv where each statement follows the order of the alphabet." He explains. "Jade - Andre - Cat - Tori - Eli, come on up" he says. Beck helps me up onto the stage and I use one crutch for support. "The beginning letter is W. Eli go."

"Why don't we play some music?" Eli says. What a stupid sentence.

"Xylophones are the perfect instrument" Andre adds.

"Ooh one time my brother-" Cat starts but Sikowitz cuts her off with a buzzer sound.

"Cat you're out. The next letter is Y. Tori go" he says.

"Poohy" Cat pouts as she retreats to her seat.

"You should give us a beat" Tori says. God her name is annoying. I can't stand her already and I see the way she eyes up Beck.

"Zero is how good you are at this" I say to her.

"Alright let's calm down" Andre chimes in.

"What Andre said" Eli says, no realizing his mistake. Sikowitz kicks him out and we continue.

"Bet you have no talent" I hiss at Tori.

"Clearly you don't know a thing" she replies.

"LADIES" Andre yells, but Sikowitz kicks him out too.

"Don't test me newbie."

"Eventually someone has to, why not me?"

"Fucking joke is what you are"

"Good to know your personality is as good as your balance."

Shes about to cross a fucking line. This bitch has no clue that I'm the best mma fighter in the world and can put her on her ass in a second.

"How about you watch your mouth before there's a fist in it."

"If you can even keep up with me."

"Just be glad you're even here."

"Killing my audition was easy, unlike yours."

"Little talentless bitch."

"Meathead klutz" That was it. I'm done playing games.

I swing my crutch at her gut and my brain goes to fight mode. She falls to the ground starring at me. Everyone crowds around her, as if she's actually hurt. I barely hit her.

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