Chapter 1

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A/N: this is my first fanfic so go a little easy on me. But also please comment any suggestions on stuff you like/don't like
Tori POV:


How the hell did I tie? I never lose. But damn this rookie was good, not to mention hot.

Tesa Jewd.

Long black hair, green eyes, and skin like porcelain. I could lose myself in those eyes. The second the match started, they went black with determination. Much like how mine do. But now my entire eye was black because of her, and let me tell you, it hurts like a bitch.

"TORI! TORI!" my sister yells as she snaps her fingers in front of my face, breaking me from my thoughts.

"What Treen?" I snap back, hoping she'll leave me be with my thoughts. I was still pissed from the draw.

"Dad said you need all your stuff packed tonight for the moving truck tomorrow" she fired back at me before leaving my room.

I really didn't want to leave Miami. I grew up here, trained here, started my career here. But my dad was hired as Chief of Police for the city of L.A., a position he couldn't turn down. So now we were moving across the country, starting a new school, and now I had to find new friends to hide Shelby Marx from.

No one outside of my mom, dad, sister, manager, and trainer knew of my double life. Trina constantly covered for me when it came to friends.

I finished packing the last of my clothes in my suitcase before taking it to the living room. Next to my suitcase was my MMA box. I loved and hated my double life, but none the less I kept it up for my family. The money helped keep up afloat when my mom passed away. She was killed by a drunk driver four months ago.
My dad had been looking for any way out of Miami since then.

I went back upstairs and passed out on my bed, dreading the flight to LA tomorrow.
Jade POV

I sat in the waiting room at the UCLA Med center, waiting for my doctor to return with my MRI results.

It was three days after my draw with that bitch, Shelby Marx. My ankle was throbbing as I sat hand in hand with my boyfriend, Beck. He kissed my forehead as I let out a long sigh.

"It'll be okay, we know it's not broken." Beck reassured me as he squeezed my hand. I was no wuss, so I had refused to come here until I physically couldn't walk on it.

"I know, but I'm still pissed she was even able to injure me. How am I going to play it off at school?" I asked him.

"I'll back you up. Let's just say you slipped in a puddle while trying to get inside. It was raining last night" Beck replied.

As he said that, Dr. Caldia approached us with paperwork in hand. I sat at the edge of my chair, anxious of the results.

"Well?" I asked angrily as he took his time walking up.

"All good news, nothing is torn, just a deep sprain. We're going to put you in a boot for four weeks, and on crutches for two of those. Absolutely no training for five weeks." He states.


You could cook an egg on me I was so steaming mad. After that fucking tie, I can't back out of my next fight.

"Babe" Beck whispers, trying to calm me down. "You can't make this worse, otherwise something may tear."


"Jade," he cuts me off. "Just wear the boot, we can still do hand work."

"Fine, give me the damn crutches," I hiss at the doctor.

Two hours later

I crutch my way into my house. Aubrey and Lexi are passed out on the couch. Those boogers were more than annoying, but I do appreciate how much my twin sisters care about me. Besides Beck, they're all I've got. I get a few steps inside before Aubrey starts to stir.

"Jadey! You're hurt!" she runs up trying to hug me, but I push her off.

"I'm fine booger, go up to bed" I retort. She immediately heads upstairs to her room.

"Babe grab booger one" I say to Beck, and he does as I say. We worked out that I'll stay on the couch until I'm off the crutches to avoid the stairs. As soon as I lay down on the couch, my eyes slam shut, and I'm out like a light.

Another A/N: I'll try and update as much as I can. I'm super bored during quarantine so there may be multiple updates a day.

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