7: Simplistic First Kiss

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It was much easier than you had predicted. It wasn't even really dancing, more like swaying. He held your hands  and gazed at you. You rested your head just above his stomach. You felt lighter than before, and you couldn't see clearly.

All your eyes could focus on, was the angel standing before you.

"I love you Mirio. I really do." you whispered.

"I love you too." he replied, rubbing the back of your palm with his thumb.

As the dance continued, you two locked eyes.

This moment felt bliss. It felt perfect. His lips were barely parted and he gave me a look as if it were saying, "This time?"

You just simply nodded.

His cheeks flushed pink and he blinked at you. He took one hand and brushed it against the side of your face, and then took and finger and tilted your chin towards him.

He leaned in.

So did you.

This time, you did not pull away.

Your lips touched each other, and they felt glued together. It was nothing erotic, no tongue or saliva. It was a simple, first kiss.

You grabbed the back of his head and pushed him into you. It was full of passion and true love. You two had to part for air. You gazed into his eyes, which were like endless oceans of cobalt blue, and you felt yourself getting lost in them.

He chuckled with a smile. "I've been waiting for that."

"Me too." You replied.

You leaned in for another quick kiss, and then sat in the chairs on the side together.

"Can I tell you something?" you said.

"Yeah, what's up?" he looked intrigued and faved you.

You blushed and put your hands to your face. "I've had a crush on you since I was a freshman!" you blurted.

"Really? That's cute."

"I saw you during the Sports Festival and immediately fell in love."

He simply smiled and said, "Hey, you wanna get outta here? It's getting late and there's only a few songs left."

"Yeah, lets go."

You both exited the gym, waving goodbye. You then held hand into the dormitory. You changed in you dorm this time, and headed over to Mirio's dorm. You lightly knocked, "May I come in?"

"Sure, come in!"

You walked in only to see that Mirio was only wearing underwear, and no shirt. You covered up your eyes. "I-I'm so sorry I didn't-"

"It's ok, Y/N. I'm only not wearing shirt."

"But why though?"

"It can get hot sleeping with you!" he said with a wink.

"But if your not comfortable then I can put on some clothes," he began.

"No no! Do whatever's best for you. I've just never seen a man without a... shirt before..."

"You're so innocent!" He said, sitting criss-cross on his bed with his head tilted.

He beckoned you over. You sat on his lap and he rocked you back and forth with his arms overtop of you.

"What makes you not innocent?" you whispered.

"Hah! Nothing! Your just very polite and cautious. I love it! I mean yes, I'm a virgin, Y/N if that's what your wondering."

"No! It's none of my business to know your sexual status!"

He squeezed you a little tighter. "Are you a virgin, Y/N."

You turned around and slapped him. "How dare you ask that?! I am 17 years old, Mirio! It is none of your business!Don't get any big ideas!" stormed out and slammed the door.

You began speed-walking down the hallway. You heard the door open and him yell, "Y/N I'm sorry! I didn't mean anything by it!"

You clenched your fists. "Yes deliberately asked if I was a virgin! IM A MINOR! Go away, creep!"

You continued walking down the hall and down the stairs to your dorm room.

You opened the door and climbed in your bed. It was cold without Mirio. But if sex is all he thought about, then you didn't want to sleep in the same bed as him. You angrily wiped your tears away and fell asleep.

You woke up the the bright morning dawn and the calls of birds outside your dorm window. You opened the door and went to the kitchen. Someone had already started making breakfast. You could smell eggs and toast. Your stomach rumbled at the smell you sat down at the table and Mirio turned spring, holding a pan of eggs. "I've suddenly lost my appetite." you grunted as you left the room. He looked crestfallen to see you go, so he jumped in front of you.

"Y/N please I didn't mean what I said last night. It was a joke and I'm very sorry that I offended you."

"Go away!"  you tried to push him away but he stood still.

"Move! I'm trying to get back to my dorm-"

He knelt down in front of you with a solemn face. "Y/N, I'm sorry. I haven't gotten any ideas, and I understand that you are a minor, and I shouldn't have asked such an inappropriate question at such an inappropriate time." For the first time ever, he bowed with his forehead touching the ground. "I love you, Y/N. Please accept my apology."

You ushered him to get up. "Mirio get up! Your embarrassing yourself! Get up!"

He slowly stood up and revived his normal, tall-ish self. You both locked eyes and just gazed. "I just don't want you to be like other boys, with only one thing in their mind." You grabbed his hand. "Promise me that. Promise me Mirio! This is scary world, and I need someone to trust! Promise me!"

He stuck out his pinky. "I promise you, Y/N. I'm not like other boys, I can guarantee you that."

You both locked your pinky's together and shook on it.

You smirked. "I thought boys could cook. Your eggs are burning."

"Aww man!!"

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