Day 1

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 If you are watching this, then I am probably dead.

 It's the first day of quarantine. No one is truly sure about what the Corona-virus does, but they said we have to stay in our homes till further notice. It is said that it starts in the lungs, and it slowly and painfully spreads throughout the body. There is no known cure yet, just a bunch of sick people. It is said that the virus has not spread throughout anyone's entire body without them dying first. They have kept the bodies, instead of discarding them, to do more scientific research. 

 People are freaking out, and they're buying all the toilet paper. No one seems to be buying medicine or vitamins, and I'm wondering what that's about. 

 I am not sure if I should be worried about this or not, but I am going to stay calm till I find out for sure what this virus is. 

 My family has stocked up on food in case the stores run out, and we have also stocked up on toilet paper for the same reason. 

 This is N, and I am signing off.

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