Chapter 1 - Who is John?

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John woke up from a well rested sleep only to realise he was late for school. He quickly got dressed, jumped out of his bedroom window, landed on his skateboard and headed to school. The date was October 25th 1985 and if John was late it would be his eighth late detention this semester.

Marty was also late for school after checking on Doc and Einstein the dog at Docs garage. Marty had to skateboard as hard as possible all the way to school. Luckily a car passed him, so he grabbed on and went quickly to school. The car pulled up at some traffic lights only to see his best mate John holding onto the car in the lane next to him. They both quickly headed to school.

Jennifer was outside so Marty went over to her whilst John snuck in the back way to avoid detention. Jennifer and Marty finally made it to class only to see John already there, smiling at them as they walked in. The rest of the school day was boring.

Marty, John and Jennifer met up after school like usual, Jennifer had a dislike towards John but she had to deal with his and her boyfriends interesting relationship. Later on, Marty and John headed home to there disturbing home lives, both with strange parents.

It was 1AM, October 26th 1985. John just received a call from Marty to meet him at Twin Pine Mall in 15 minutes. John jumped out of bed and in his onesie, he skateboarded to the Mall. He arrived a little late 1:18 to be exact but what he saw was the most god damn weird thing of all time.

In less an a minute he saw terrorists turn up, shoot Doc, Mary get into the car, drive up to 88MPH, the car flash and disappear, terrorists drive off shooting their guns, Einstein took a shit, Twin Pine Mall sign turns to Lone Pine Mall and Marty scaring him from behind.

"Marty, what the hell just happened? I've come to meet you like you told me to and all I've seen is chaos." John stuttered. "Don't worry John it's all over. I just need to got and see my dead mate" Marty told John then he ran down to Doc.

Marty and John went back to his for the rest of the night as John was puzzled and could not sleep. The next morning they awoke to an interesting change to Marty's family and a free truck truck for him. "Woah Marty, since when was Biff your slave?" John asked Marty.. That's when Jennifer turned up for a ride in the truck.

CRASH!!!! Doc and his edited Delorean smashed into Marty's bins. "Marty, it's about your future, your kids future" Doc yelled at Marty. Doc got Marty into the Delorean and told Jennifer to come to. "Wait, what about John?" Marty asked Doc. "It doesn't really concern him but we can't just leave him standing there" Doc replied. John climbed in, pretty much laying across everyone as the Delorean took off and flew up to 88MPH.

Within 1 flash, they were gone...

Room For One More On The Delorean?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें