Chapter 8

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James woke gently, easily, sliding from the grey mist of sleep into the golden mist of an autumn morning. He lifted his head to check the clock, since his gauge of the time by the position of the sun was no longer quite reliable after his years at a very different latitude. It was a few minutes before eight. They'd slept for only five hours, but James felt fully refreshed, as though he'd slept twice that long.

And we have at least an hour before her maid knocks, he thought.

Caroline was still sleeping with her head on his bent arm, her body curled within the curve of his. And as he'd promised her before they slept, his full and pulsing erection was nestled in the cleft of her buttocks.

At least an hour. Mmm, how to spend it? He wondered.

James tightened his arm around Caroline's soft middle. His hand found the mound of her breast naturally, and he caressed her as he contemplated how he wanted to take her. After our contortions of last night, she might enjoy some simplicity this morning, he thought.

While he was ruminating, Caroline stretched sleepily and cupped her hand over his. "James, that's such a nice way to wake up."

He nuzzled the back of her head. "Good morning, linnet."

"Good morning, Sir Lion. Is there anything I may do for you before our sail?"

"Make love with me," he murmured to her in his deepest tone, and felt her shiver with excitement. "Bathe for me. Eat with me. Talk with me. Do all those things that you do for me, Caroline, which give me such peace and contentment. Those wondrous gifts you give me just by being you."

"Oh, James." She turned over in his arms and cupped his cheek in her hand. "You say such lovely, unexpected things."

"Why unexpected, madam?" he asked, while he pulled her close and kissed her. "Do you think me devoid of tender feelings?"

"No, of course not. It's just, you know, in stories, knights adore their ladies for some exceptional quality. Great beauty. Virtue. Noble birth. I am very ordinary, and the things I can offer you seem to me very ordinary. Yet you appreciate them as though I was giving you chests of diamonds, or the keys to Constantinople. It's lovely, and unexpected."

"First, you are very far from ordinary." He kissed the tip of her nose. "Second, you are a great beauty." He nipped her chin when she shook her head. "Third, if you have chests of diamonds or the keys to Constantinople hidden about the place, then of course I demand you give them to me immediately." He paused to let her giggle. "And fourth, knights may be so foolish as to fail to appreciate those humble qualities of care and affection, but lions are practical creatures who value those things above all, and they never, ever leave their mate in doubt as to their appreciation."

Caroline smiled brilliantly at him. "I am very glad you are a lion rather than a knight."

"And I am very glad that you are my lioness rather than some high-born damsel who is routinely spirited away by rivals, only to be too virtuous to reward my daring when I rescue her. Those sorts of stories have nothing to recommend them, and Lancelot is a model for nothing except very sore bawbels."

Caroline giggled. "I'm sure that Lancelot and Guinevere have at least one night together, you know. If I'm remembering my de Troyes correctly."

"One night? A lion could never be satisfied with one night. What sort of insipid creature was Lancelot that he could be satisfied with a single night?"

Caroline laughed merrily. "Now that I know something of the variety possible in lovemaking, I have to agree."

"Ah, madam, we have barely scratched the surface." James moved up over her and settled himself onto her soft form as she stretched under him. "But as I was thinking when you woke, there is also much to be said for simplicity." He reached down and guided his tip between the lips of her soft purse. "Sometimes, the tried and tested is the best." He tightened his hips and buttocks and pushed slowly into her. Caroline spread her legs, moaning with pleasure at his measured penetration. "Wouldn't you agree, my dove?"

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