Chapter 5

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(Finally! Sorry to anyone who enjoyed the story, I was in a hard place. Thank you for being so Patient! With out further Interruption let's start chapter 5)

Bendy's POV
I sat there, not sure what to think, I watched as mugman seemed to regret saying that.
"O-oh no.... he never said did he..." I shook my head.
"No... he didn't..." mugman quickly tried to change the subject
"Either way! It's not a big deal! So what about you and boris, got any siblings or anything?" I dropped the subject and me and boris told mugs about out sister Alice, he seemed fascinated by what we told him.
"So, when was the last time you saw Alice?" He tilted his head, curious about her.
Boris smiled "aw, we haven't seen Alice since she left!" He chuckled a bit "we miss her, but I say we'll find her again" mugman nodded, looking out the window at the storm.

Cuphead's POV
I walked down the stairs, and started to boil some water. One of the few things I enjoyed was a glass of apple cider. Once I got my cider I moved to the living room and sat down on the floor, my eyes scanning over my arms.
"Shit..." I shook my head, over six months of work down the drain... almost literally. I turned on the TV, scanning through the movies playing.
My eyes stopped on a horror movie marathon.
"Hmm, horror movies at Christmas... alright." I started the movie and watched them for hours, slowly falling asleep on the floor.

Mugman's POV (yay! A different POV)
Me, boris and bendy talked for hours, then watched some movies, but I felt terrible, I told cuppy's secret... after a few movies I stood up
"I think I should get some sleep..." boris stood up
"Oh! Okay, we don't have a guest room so you can sleep in my room!" Boris took my hand and walked to to his room. It wasn't the biggest, but he seemed to enjoy living with his brother, it was then that I started to miss mine.
"I'll leave you be for now, night mugs!" Boris smiles as he walked out.
"Night...." I sat down on the mattress on the floor pulling my knees to my chest. After everything cup's been though I'm leaving him alone for two weeks?! Sighing I got dressed and slid under the blankets, hoping he would be okay.

Bendy's POV
I watched as boris walked with mugman to his room, and my mind started thinking about cuphead, when I left the school cuphead was the coolest and most popular guy, but something... changed.

(Flash back to a year before bendy and cuphead left their school)
I was walking down the hall, not looking up, I knew cuphead was gonna find me sooner or later.
"Well well well~ what do we have here fellas!" I looked up seeing cuphead and his goons blocking the hallway.
"Seems we have a punching back cups!" One of his friends laughed as they picked me. I flailed around and yelled only to get punched in the gut. After a major beating a teacher found me curled up in the hallway and took me to the nurse. After that day I decided to be more careful, and learned to fight. But cuphead still picked on me.
(End of flashback)

"Bendy? You okay?" Boris's voice snapped me out of my head as he sat beside me.
"Oh... yeah I'm okay. Just... thinking"

Cuphead's POV
I woke up to a cry, I groaned as I stood up from the floor and walked into the makeshift nursery where Melya was crying.
"Come here you." I picked him up and walked into the hall. He didn't cry often, meaning he had a nightmare. "It's okay Melya, I'm here"
He slowly stopped crying as I rocked him. This Christmas break was going to be lonely without mugs around, but who knows... maybe I'll get lucky this year.

(664 words, so close, I need to get back in the swing of things, so this is pretty short, but I hope you enjoyed!)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2020 ⏰

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