Chapter 4

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I do have some OC's in this story, and this chapter has some sensitive themes such as rape and self harm, please do not read when I give the warning unless you are sure you can handle it.

*skipping to December so we are at Christmas break*

*Bendy's POV*
Winter time, I love the winter. The cold, white fluffy snow, and no bugs either, and during the night, I go to my hill and watch the stars.

I started walking across town to my favourite hill, when I heard a thud, I decide to look around the corner just in time to see Cuphead's never smiling face get smacked against a wall. 'Ohhh that musta hurt' things really have changed from the first day of school. I kept walking thinking about what must of changed, I remembered a few weeks into school.... the big fight... that must of been it.

(Flash back to a month into the school year)

I was walking through the hallway when I heard..... yelling?

"WHY DOES THAT MATTER!" I knew that voice, cuphead.
"Chill cup, it was only a stupid sketch book!" That voice is brute's, what is going on. I rounded the corner to see the two of them standing in the middle of the lunch hall.
With that Brute swung, hitting Cuphead in the face.
"You wanted a fight right cup?!" He swung again, cuphead dodges it and got behind him.
"I never said that!" Cup snapped "But if that what is want!" With that he tackled Brute, it didn't take long before Brute friends joined in.

Teachers tried to pull them off of each over, but it was pointless, they just kept at it. All the yelling and banging was hurting my head, but right before I could leave...


Screams rang out, I ran over, Brute was lying on the ground holding his arm, which was clearly broken, and cuphead.....
"Oh god..." was all I could say. Cuphead was on the ground, arm broken off. Then he started laughing, everyone got Brute out of there leaving the 'laughing maniac' as they muttered, he picked his arm up and started to walk away.
"C-Cuphead.... are you okay?" I had to check at least. He was limping pretty bad, and was pretty cracked up.
"I'm fine" he muttered.
"But... y-your arm-"
"Porcelain breaks, i can be fixed, now leave me alone." With that, he walked away.

(Present time)

Thing only got worst for him, hell, he's the laughing stalk of the school, he even leaves me alone, and he bullied me for years... I hope he is actually alright.

*Cuphead's POV*

I limped home after being beaten up, again. Mugs would kill me if he found out about this, luckily he was at a friends during the break. Meaning I have time with me and... them.... memories flooded back from a year ago, the reason I missed the last year I spent at my old school, and switched schools.

*flash back: warning, sensitive stuff*
I was walking home from school, I had been suspended, again, and had to tell Mugman why, when I was pulled into an ally.
"HEY WHAT THE HE-" I was the slugged in the face, almost knocking me out, but not enough for me not the feel the pain of what happened, and hour of that pain, I tried to scream, but I couldn't, I just couldn't. The asshole ran off, but it was too late. A fact about me, I am intersex, so, I had an issue.

I didn't notice how much I was bleeding, until I looked up and realized that a lady was running up to me.
"Oh my goodness! Are you okay!?" She seemed frantic... why is she worried about me. Before I could even answer, I fell. I woke up hours later in a hospital, I couldn't hear a thing, but everyone was talking.

A few months later, and I am as people say 'blessed' with 3 little 'miracles', Piccolo, a sea blue/teal shy baby, sherbert, a light/dark pink lil sweety, and melya, the youngest triplet, royal purple, and over all, they are all a handful to deal with. At only 15, it is overwhelming, but my bro is alway there... mug... he is probably the one thing keeping me grounded to reality at this point. When I came home with the triplets, mug helped get everything ready, and planned for when they started to grow a bit... everyday I look at them... I am haunted my that night.

(Warning over for now)
(Present time)
I was mumbling my kids names, no one knew about them, so that was good.
"Piccolo, Sherbert, Melya... P-..... THEY ARE AT DAYCARE STILL!!!" With that I bolted in the other direction, how could I have forgotten! I checked my phone, 'three minutes late already' after a 5 minute run from where I had been, I walked into the daycare.
"Ah Cuphead!" Renee chimed "I was wondering were you were."
"Sorry, I almost forgot"
"MAMA!" I knew who it was, Melya.
"Hey Sweety, sorry I am late." I crouched down and hugged him, 'has it really already been a year?' To think a year ago the three of them were born... time really flys. I gathered them, got them dressed, and left for home. It took about 20 minutes and by he time we got home, the three of them all crashed.
"Heh" even with a chuckle I didn't smile, is kinda felt bad that my kids have never seen me smile "time to tuck you all in, good thing I don't have school for 2 weeks." I tucked them all in and walked into the bathroom, looked in the mirror, and then at the razor sitting by the sink.
(Warning: self harm)
"...... it... couldn't hurt to..." I picked up the razor and took the blade. I just stared at it... I remembered when mugs caught me cutting, slapping me across the face. I remembered he told me to try and think of every reason to not cut... kids... I slid the blade across my porcelain skin, 'one for each', him....'he tried to guilt you', I pushed the blade deeper this time. 'Why does he need to care' I didn't realize how many cuts I had made at that point until I realized how light headed I was, and how much blood was in the sink. "Shit..." I quickly cleaned up the sink, and bandages my arms, they hurt like hell. I knew I had a problem.... but.... how far would it go.

(Warning over)
*Bendy's POV*
"So, Boris, when is your friend gonna get here?" I was a little excited to meet Boris' friend, he didn't have many.
"He said he would be here at 5." Boris pointed at the clock, then paused seeing it was 6. "He.. I know he said-"
*DING* "HE'S HERE!!" Boris ran to the door,  " HI MUGS!" He wrapped his friend in a hug.
"Hi Boris, sorry I'm late, it's a real blizzard out there!" So this is mugman... he looks a little like...
"Hi, you must be Bendy, I'm mugman, my fiends call me mugs!"
"Hi mugs, happy to have your for winter break." I said cheerfullyz
"Thanks, my bro was a bit upset though."
"Brother?" Please don't tell me-
"Yeah, he actually talks about you Bendy, do you know cuphead?"
'SHIT' "yeah, I knew em'" I can't believe my brother is friends with CUPHEAD'S BROTHER! "Me and Boris were about to eat supper, want some?" Might as well be nice.
"Oh sure!" He smiled at me, much different then Cup.

After we ate we started to ask each other stuff, I guess it wouldn't hurt, he seemed nice enough.
"So Bendy,"
"Why don't your parents live with you?" A common question for me.
"Our parents hurt us, so I made enough money to get us out of there." He looks upset at my answer.
"Oh, I'm sorry..."
"It's okay, so mugs, what about your parents? What are they like?" He looked down.
"I never knew them, they left when I was a baby, it was Cuphead who looked after me."
"Is That why he was upset you weren't spending Christmas with him?" I felt the need to keep asking about cuphead, feeling it might... unlock something???
"Well, a bit, he worries about me." He smiled at that....
"So you left him alone on Christmas?!?" Boris was shocked at that, even I was, you shouldn't be alone on Christmas-
"No, he is spending it with his kids!" Wait...
Cuphead.... has kids...

(1454 WORDS, AND 3 PICTURES (゚▽゚*) this is a long chapter for me)

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