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Boba POV

I couldn't find the bounty anywhere. Surely (y/n) had found him, he couldn't have just disappeared. 

Shit, she probably needs help.

The memory of her almost getting killed by our last bounty flashed across my mind. I felt worry grow in my chest and I darted to the other side of the bar. I searched desperately, pushing people aside. I covered the entire room, but couldn't find any trace of her. 

"Damn it!"

I cursed quietly. I checked the tracker I had placed on her helmet and saw that she wasn't even on the planet anymore. I hadn't thought of using it before because it doesn't work at such a close range. Jabba came into my mind.

"No, no, no, no, no!"

I mumbled as I ran towards the door. I ran down the street, getting to Slave I in half the time it would have normally taken. I started her up right away and was in the sky within minutes. I noticed my hands were shaking and I tried to steady them. 

Panicking won't help the situation, Boba. 

I checked her tracker and saw she had headed towards Tatooine. My worst fear had been realised. Suddenly I heard a loud beeping coming from the control panel. Someone was following me. I let out an irritated groan.

"I don't have time for this right now!"

I yelled, even though I knew they couldn't hear me.

"I have to find my-"

My what?

"My... person! I have to find my little person."

I shook my head, those words sounded ridiculous said out loud. 

"I have to find my partner."

Yes, that sounds right.

My partner. 

I felt a blast hit the ship and I steadied myself against the wall. I finally got a grip on myself and started firing back. Luckily, the bastard was on a tiny ship with shitty blasters. I scoffed.

Did he really think he would be able to catch me on that piece of crap?

I shook my head and watched as the ship broke into pieces. I continued back onto my course to Tatooine, I was only about 15 minutes behind the ship with (y/n) on it.

"C'mon! C'mon!"

I growled, even thought I knew my command wouldn't make the ship go any faster. (Y/n)'s ship had already reached Tatooine, I was too far behind.

Hostage - Boba Fett x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now