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Neither of us had a plan. Two nobodies with nothing. Since Boba wasn't getting the pay he had expected from giving me to Jabba, we had to find another bounty, quick.

"There's a guy on Jakku who's got a pretty high bounty... nothing compared to yours, but still relatively high."

I could hear the slight regret and longing in his voice of not cashing me in. My bounty must've been pretty high. It though of asking how much mine was, but decided that I didn't need that in the back of my mind.

"All these sand planets, I swear. When are we going to have a bounty on Hoth?"

"You do NOT want to go to Hoth."

I sighed and rested my head against the back of the chair.

"Alright, now you have to understand that this guy is a HOSTAGE. No matter what sob story he comes up with, we need this money."

I nodded.

"Ok, I trust you."

He looked at me for a moment.

"You need a helmet."

"I do?"

"Your face has got a huge bounty on it right now. I'll be right back."

He stood up and disappeared somewhere in the ship. He returned a bit later with a helmet much like his, just a lot less beat up.

"Here's one of my spares. It'll do good until we get you one of your own."

He handed it to me and I stared down at it for a moment, realising I was becoming just like my father. I was becoming a bounty hunter.

'No, you're different from him.'

I tied my hair up and slipped the helmet over my head. It was surprisingly easy to see out of and breathe out of.

"How do I look?"


I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, my bandages were itchy and uncomfortable.

"When was the last time you've changed those?"

"Changed what?"

"Your bandages."

"Oh, yesterday, I think."

He lifted up the shawl and shirt underneath a bit and I gasped.

"Yeah, we should probably change them and clean your wounds."

He stood up and offered my his hand. We walked over to the room I was staying on and he grabbed some ointment and bandages and ointment from a drawer.

"Here, sit down with your back to me."

After I took off my helmet, he pulled the shawl over my head and his fingers lingered under the hem of the oversized shirt.

"Do you trust me?"

I turned around.

"Trust you?"

"To, you know... take off your shirt. Do you trust me that I won't... try anything? I know you don't trust bounty hunters..."

I nodded.

"Of course, Boba. Of course I trust you."

"I'm going to take off my helmet so don't-"

"Don't turn around."


He set his helmet down next to me, then gently pulled my shirt over my head and set it to the side.

"Alright, I'm taking the bandages off. It's going to hurt, but I'll be as gentle as I can."

I nodded.


I squeezed my eyes shut and clenched my fists, waiting for the pain to ensue. I felt his gloved hand on mine.

"Here, you can hold it."

I gripped his hand in mine and felt him start to peel the bandages away. It was odd being so exposed in front of a man I had only known for a few days. He dabbed gently at the wounds and I flinched in pain a few times.

"Now I just need to dress them."

He wrapped the bandage around me carefully but firmly. Once everything was secure, he slipped the shirt back over my head, followed by the shawl.

"Close your eyes."

He requested.


"Close your eyes."

He now demanded.

"Alright, they're closed."

He turned me around to face him, my eyes clamped firmly shut. I felt him softly press his lips to mine, then quickly pull away and put on his helmet.

"Let's go."

He rushed out the door without a second thought. I put on my helmet and followed him.

Hostage - Boba Fett x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now