Chapter Forty-Nine: Doki-Doki

Start from the beginning

Oliver finishes, "And at lunch most of us will need to go to the cafe, too." By most of us, he was referring about Ace, who had some sports practice. "And at the end of the school day, too."

I'm about to agree once again until I realize that most of all our breaks we have, we need to go to the cafe. Which is reasonable and not that bad, but that's if you don't have superpowers you need to learn to control.

My eyes scan all the girls around me, who are either looking confused, annoyed, or waiting on me to say something.

I look back at Oliver. "Um.. Yeah, that's.. Uh, fine. We just might have to leave early at the end of the d-"

"Sweet!" Oliver exclaims, smiling. "Thanks a tons, Monika!"

I flinch. "Uh, yeah.. Sure, but at the end of t-"

"Hey, Sayori?" Adrien calls. "I'm actually really good at designing clothing, and we were thinking of making you a little waitresses outfit."

"E-Eh?" Sayori gasps, her eyes wide. "That's amazing! So cool! Yeah!"

I sigh, giving up on what I was saying. It doesn't matter, we can tell them later.

"Great," Adrien grins. "I'm gonna need your measurements though,"

"Oh, okay!" Sayori continues to smile. "Wait- What do you mean..?"

"Like, you're shoulder length, neck length, wrist length, and.. uh, waist length."

"Woah!" Natsuki growled. "You pervert! That's some classified information!"

Adrien blinks in surprise. "H-Huh? It is?"

Oliver smiled. "Come on, Nat. We're all friends here, and Adrien can't exactly do anything bad with her measurements."

Natsuki rolled her eyes. "Don't call me Nat. And fine, whatever."

Oliver frowned. "What? Why not?"

"Because it's about as bad as Cupcake."

Ace gasped playfully. "No way! Cupcake suits you well."

"No it doesn't!" Natsuki yelled back.

"S-So there's just one problem!" Sayori exclaimed. "I don't know my measurements."

Oliver shrugged. "That's fine. Adrien can take them for you."

Adrien immediately whips his head to face Oliver. "What? Me? Are you serious?"

"Yeah." Oliver smirks. "She'd really appreciate it if you did it."

"Yeah! I would!" Sayori chimes in.

Adrien glances down at his food plate embarrassed. "Can't one of the girls do it..?"

Ace chuckles. "It's a maid uniform that you're making."

Adrien groans, "O-Okay..Fine."

All seven of us wait in the maid room for Adrien to come back with his things. Sayori looks excited, while Natsuki, Yuri and I are slightly more skeptical.

"What's he going to do?" I ask to the three other girls.

Natsuki shrugs. "I don't know, put a long ruler against Sayori's waist?"

"Oh!" Sayori hops in place. "That sounds exciting!"

"Hey, girls?" Oliver calls.

We look up and behind us to see Ace and Jess already walking away, presumably to their dorms.

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