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I feel like we have been here before.

Moreno looked at him across the desk, a puzzled expression on her face. Then she smiled thinly.

You made a joke right. Its hard to tell with you. Reminds me of Locus.

She held her hands up defensively.

Not the same way. She continued. You have feelings, I think, but lack effect. Locus has an actual deficit.

I do not care about that. Even said sitting back in his chair. Can Locus be trusted to do his job.

Moreno looked thoughtful. He fucks around on his own time and the company allowed it because he is so damn useful. But give him a job and get gets it done. If he agrees to it in the first place. I don't know what you offered him but it worked.

We will be leaving after this. Even said sitting back in his chair.

You could stay. She saw the look on his gave and now hurriedly continued. How about you do another job for us.


No. She shook her head. Well yes. We do need supplies that's not it.

She glanced across at a framed photo on her desk. Her eye lingered there for a moment. Afterward, her eyes were slightly moist.

It is the child.

My daughter. She nodded. I - I would if I could, but I would not last out there.

That would be dangerous and time intensive. What do you have to trade.

Her black eyes bored into his one.

Rothschild junior. Achan.

She he is alive?

M shrugged. My infomation does not say.

Even thought for a minute.
You should give me the information freely. I saved your life and that of your team.

That wasn't charity from you. You saved yourself.

By the way many of my team don't like you or are terrified of you. The way you executed that disarmed man was barbaric.

Even ignored the barb. It would be fair.

Yes. Said Moreno. It would be fair, but fair does not make Rosi safe.

You named her after the station.

No. The star. Do we have a deal.

Might not be wise to move her. She has survived this long so she is likely in a safe place.

Her last message was twenty hours ago. I haven't been able to contact her since then. I'm worried something has happened.

Could be any number of benign explanations for this. It doesn't mean she is in danger. He paused. Well any additional danger.

I can tell you've never been a parent. I have to know. This is the job. And this. She tapped her head. Is the payment. Do you accept.

Even sighed. Then he nodded.

But what if she is dead. Or not there anymore.

Then you bring me proof. Document it. Meanwhile I'll put together a brief containing everything I know about Achan.

Send me what you have about Rosi and what floor she is on.

Moreno tapped some commands into her access panel. Even waited for it to load them began to read it.

You want me to go to the other arcology. He said.

Yeah said M. Obviously shuttles are down so you will have to go up to level fifty five and take the tram across.

Even was silent for a minute. I want carbines for both of us.

M nodded.

Agreed. He continued. I am exhausted he said. Can you show me where I can sleep.

M tapped something into her palmcoder. Someone will be here shortly. She said. Afterwards I hope you might share your story with me.

There was a knock at the door then the door slid open. A woman came into the room and looked at the both then looked at Even.

Come with me. She said.

Even stood and began to walk over to the door. Then he glanced back at M.

Knowledge is dangerous. Even called over over his shoulder.

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