FEVER (TodoDeku)

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Took me about five days to decide whether who will catch a fever here and who will take care of who >﹏< Hope it'll turn out great though.


Izuku Midoriya rarely catches a fever, but when he does it hinders him from literally functioning well.

It all happened when the greenhead insisted on doing his usual late-night training despite the sudden drop in the temperature due to winter coming to a close in the country. According to him, it was a great way to train one's stamina so he insisted on going for his usual jog and came back to the dorm feeling a bit light-headed.

His boyfriend, Shoto Todoroki, knew that there was something wrong with him the moment Midoriya stepped and announced his arrival-- he was late to respond and he moved slower than usual. When he confronted Midoriya about it, the greenhead dismissed it with a smile saying that he was just tired from the run and hit the sack earlier than he usually does.

The next morning, headache and sore throat welcomed the greenhead along with a wave of dizziness and chills that had kept him in bed the whole morning and had Todoroki come to visit. To the latter's dismay, his sweet little cinnamon bun was all wrapped up in his own blanket-- face red and cold sweat running down his face.

He immediately reported it to their homeroom teacher and asked if he could take Midoriya to the nurse's office to have him checked up. However...

"Recovery Girl went out of town for a conference and all students and staff are advised to go to the nearest hospital should anyone get injured," Aizawa told Todoroki as they both glanced at Midoriya. "But since it's just a fever, I suggest a home rest. If he still doesn't feel better by tomorrow then we definitely need to take him to the hospital. For now, if you want you can stay... however that doesn't mean that you'll be excused from your classes,"

"I understand," Todoroki said.

Bidding his friends and classmates goodbye, Todoroki was left with another dilemma-- how to take care of a sick person.

Being the youngest among his siblings he had been taken care of his mother whenever he gets sick and then his older sister after that. Not once had he taken care of anyone running a fever. But Midoriya needed him-- his hero needed him-- so he called his sister's number and asked a few pointers on how to take care of someone with a fever.

"Eh?" Fuyumi said, a bit shocked to hear it from Todoroki. "W-well... first you have to clean their body so they'll be comfortable. Grab a basin and fill it up with water cold enough so their body temperature would go down as well, and then bring them comfortable clothes-- pajamas are ideal since they need to sweat the fever out as well,"

Todoroki did what his sister instructed him to do and got a basin filled with tap water and then activating his right side, cooled it at just the right temperature.

He gently sat Midoriya up and started stripping him until he was left in his boxers. "I'll have to clean you up, Izuku," he said then started to wipe Midoriya's body clean.

But the greenhead let out a whimper of discomfort as he shuffled away from the cloth. "I-it's cold... Shoto..." he said, voice raw from the sore throat.

"You'll have to endure it," Todoroki said then proceeded despite the greenhead's protest and successfully changed him into his pajamas before laying the greenhead down and covering him up with a blanket.

'Sick people often have weak appetites so they might not eat the usual amount of food they're used to eating as they might throw it up. However, a nice warm soup is enough for a sick person. Also, don't forget to make them take their medicine after eating.'

Todoroki stood in the kitchen and stared at nothing in particular as he was faced with his third dilemma-- his lack of knowledge to cook. 

However, the internet was there for a reason and he knew if he would just follow the instructions given he knew he'd be able to make at least a decent bowl of soup, so he started working and felt proud of the outcome despite the soup tasting saltier than usual.

"Izuku," Todoroki gently called as he placed the bowl of soup on the bedside table.

Midoriya groaned in response, covering the blanket all over his head-- a sign that he did not want to be disturbed.

"It's time for you to drink your medicine, but you have to eat something first," Todoroki said, gently pulling the blanket away. "Come on, I'll help you up,"

Sitting Midoriya up once again, Todoroki set the tray of soup on his lap then scooped up a spoonful of soup for Izuku, blowing the heat off a bit before letting the greenhead have a taste.

"Does it taste okay? It felt a bit saltier than I planned it to," Todoroki said.

"I can't taste anything when I'm like this," Midoriya mumbled then weakly smiled at Todoroki. "But I bet it tastes good since Shoto-kun made it,"

Todoroki looked away as he felt his face heat up. "You're suddenly becoming romantic," he said but received no response, causing him to look at Midoriya.

The greenhead was looking at his lap, his hair covering the upper half of his face so Todoroki could only see his lips pressed into a thin line. "Izuku...?"

"Shoto-kun is great at everything even when taking care of a sick person," Midoriya mumbled and Todoroki was shocked when the greenhead looked up-- tears in his eyes. "While I'm stuck on bed being a burden to Shoto-kun..."

The dam finally broke as tears spilled down Midoriya's eyes as sobs shook his body. "I'm sorry I got sick... my head hurts as well as my throat and my body, it's hard to breathe and my blanket is too hot... I'm sorry..."

Todoroki quickly set the tray aside before wrapping Midoriya in his arms, rubbing his back in an attempt to calm the greenhead down.

'Sick people often get too emotional since they get really uncomfortable with the abnormality going on in their bodies. The best way to do that is to comfort them, of course.'

"You are not a burden," Todoroki said, "I know everything hurts but you have to endure it all so you can get better and feel better. But I'm here to take care of you and be by your side whenever you need me so make sure you get well soon... Okay?"

The greenhead sobbed but eventually nodded his head as Todoroki cradled him in his arms until he finally calmed down.

After taking his medicine, Todoroki checked Midoriya's temperature and then wiped his body with a cold cloth once more and then changed his clothes for the second time before letting him rest. Once everything was settled, Todoroki flopped down of the sofa to watch some television while he waited for the time to pass-- unaware that he had already fallen asleep.


A soft caress on his face woke Todoroki up and he was met with emerald green eyes he was always fond of. Until realization hit Todoroki like a train and had him jolt in surprise to see Midoriya up and smiling at him, blanket wrapped around his body.

"Izu-- w-what are you doing out of bed? Did I doze off? I'm sorry, did... did you need anything?" Todoroki asked in worry. "Please go back to bed, I--"

He was cut off when Midoriya planted a gentle kiss on his lips, successfully shutting up the paranoid Todoroki. "The fever has gone down, although I admit I still feel a bit light-headed and still need rest,"

Midoriya looked away as he blushed a cute shade of pink. "T-thank you... for taking care of me," he said, "Usually when I catch a fever, I am in bed rest for three days max with the fever running for a day and a half. But... since it was Shoto-kun that took care of me, I got better faster, so... thank you,"

Todoroki smiled as he wrapped Midoriya in his arms, heart contented that for today... he was able to be his hero's hero.


Bakugo rummaged through the kitchen to try and find some snacks to eat just before dinner and found the remnants of the soup Todoroki made. Not caring if the icyhot teen would get mad, Bakugo took it and started eating-- only to spit it off on the first spoonful.


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