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Bans POV:
He punched me and He's crying, like actually crying and over a girl, like that distraught he punched me in the face. I have never seen him like this and I have known him since we were 5. I stand there panicked, using every possible calming sentence I could think of, but alas nothing works until I see him lift his head, wipe his tears and say "we're going
to the hospital now."
Time skip to in the car~

We sit in the car in complete silence. The only sound to be heard is the blinker noise. In my peripheral vision I see the cap'n trying to control his anger. But I dare not say anything as me breathing too loudly let alone speaking could make him explode and I don't want what happened to danafor (his last gang before liones and the sins) reoccurring.

I'm sorry it's short Ik but I have been in a Psychiatric hospital due to personal issues and haven't been able to access my phone. I have been able to be home for a little bit now but I'm not 100%

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2020 ⏰

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