Hit and run

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Elizabeth POV:
I wake up unable to see anything or move my hands and feet, they are bound together and my eyes have a blindfold blocking there vision. I try to figure out where I am when I familiar sent and sound finds it's way to me, the saltiness, the waves crashing, the slight breeze i put it all together and come to a conclusion "the beach?" I said aloud quite pleased I had figured out my surroundings with no vision or way to move. Then suddenly I realised I cant escape, I struggle violently hopping to get out of here even if it was sheer dumb luck. Until I hear steps "sounds like several people" I think. Until suddenly a bright stream of light hits my face and I look away to shield my eyes. I turn my head back with a Stern look plastered on my face to show that I'm not scared, even though I'm terrified, then my eyes meet a group of 7 people. The orange hair muscly Man and baby blue vampire man. Each of the men and women began to introduce them selves the first to introduce themselves stepped forward, she is a tall, attractive woman with mid length brunette hair in pig tails and wearing a tight spandex dress. "I am Diane, the serpent sin of envy. It's nice to meet you....?" She trailed of not knowing my name, "Elizabeth" I answer with a slight sly smile. Diane smiled again and proceeded to step back into line, the next one to introduce themselves was one of the ones who brought me here, "Escanor!" He said with pride, I tired my head out of confusion to the mans remark he smiled and said "I am Escanor The lion sin of pride" raising his fist in the air. The pale man in a red leather suit revealing his abs stepped for with a devilish grin and bowed "well hello there princess" he looked up and winked at me "the names ban, fox sin of greed, we are truely sorry for the restraints but we need to make sure you will not tell the police about us" he continued. Each member standing in front of me made an introduction. I mentally made a note of there names and titles; Diane Serpent Sin of Envy, Escanor Lion sin of Pride, Ban Fox Sin of Greed, a small looking child named King Grizzly Sin of Sloth, a tall skinny raven hair woman named Merlin Bore Sin of Gluttony, a taller pink haired... boy? Named Gowther the Goat Sin of Lust. Until finally I reached the last one. I stared at him for a moment admiring every building muscle for such a short individual until I built up enough courage to say " what about you? What's your name and title?" He looked up front he ground And smiled his emerald eyes peering into mine "Meliodas, my name is Meliodas, and I am the Dragon Sin of Wrath!"

Authors note~
Again with another short chapter I'm sorry 🤦🏽‍♀️

Bad boys bring heaven to you (Discontinued)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora