Chapter 3: Surprise, Surprise, Surprise

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 Chance Haven Chapter 3: Surprise, Surprise, Surprise

“Well, well, well. Who would’ve thought you had a dirty little secret?” Normani said as she entered the kitchen and stood by the counter.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I tried to walk past her and ignore everything she just said.

 “I overheard your conversation with Logan.” she said as she grabbed me by my arm. This girl really knows how to get to my nerves.

“And what exactly did you hear?” I replied, finally playing along to whatever act she was planning to pull on me.

“Oh come off it. I know you’re gay and now you’re gonna do as I tell you.” she said as she looked me in the eye. I have to admit, she had a very intimidating stare. But it takes more than that to scare me.

“Or what?” Two could play this game.

“Or I’ll spill. Doug and everyone in school will know you play for another team.” she smirked.

“Sorry to break it to you but Doug already knows. And I’m claustrophobic.” I said as I smiled and watched her in confusion. I took a step closer to her and she had her back against the kitchen counter. I leaned in as close as I could which definitely made her uncomfortable. “C-claustrophobic?” she stuttered.

“I don’t care if you tell the whole world. I don’t like being in the closet. But what I dislike even more is being threatened and blackmailed. So if you don’t want me to walk up to you in school one day,” I moved in even closer, my lips close to touching hers, “and kiss you in front of everyone, I suggest you mind your own damn business.” I stepped back and flashed her a huge smile. She’s got game. But unfortunately for her, whenever I play, I win.

“Hey what’s going on here?” Doug said as he stepped in the kitchen.

“N-n-nothing. I w-was just apologizing to Lauren.” she said as she faked a smile at him.

“We’re good now.” I added.

“Just in time. Logan and Camila are waiting in the car. Let’s go.”


Camila’s POV

The drive to the Jauregui Lake House was long and awkward. Doug drove while Lauren took the passenger seat and Normani, Logan, and I sat in the back. But now that we’re here, I think I actually prefer the quiet awkward car ride to this loud jam-packed party.

I’m not a popular kid. I get invited to parties like this for the sole reason that my best friend is the brother of the most popular guy in school. And if it weren’t for Doug, I wouldn’t even show up to any of these parties.  He doesn’t just get me invited, he makes sure I actually attend. Either he’ll pester me or he’ll find a way to connive with my mother who adores him so much. And I’ll be left with no choice but to go.

It’s been the same routine actually. Someone hosts a party. Doug makes sure I get invited and that I attend. I show up. And then I sit in one corner with Logan, just observing everyone else in the party. It’s extremely boring. I’d much rather just sit in front of my computer than watch all these people make complete fools of themselves. But it’s Doug. I can’t just say no to him.

I’m an only child and while Logan’s been my best friend since the day I helped them when he fell across our yard, Doug’s been the big brother I never had. I’m not sure why he keeps making me go to these things. I used to think it’s because he doesn’t want Logan to be alone. But now, I think it’s because he actually wants me to have a chance at making new friends.Yeah, well that seems like a lost cause.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2014 ⏰

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