Chapter 8- today starts tomorrow

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Kazakhstan woke up to a small nudge to his chest, he groaned and opened his eyes seeing Philippines burying his face into Kaz's chest.
Kazakhstan blushed and jolted up. Philippines looked at him and yawned, "aw come on, you were warm."
  "You wanna get coffee now?" Kazakhstan croaked out, blushing an even deeper red cause of Phil's comment. "Huh? Sure, you can borrow some of my clothes I guess... I-If it's not a problem!" Kazakhstan looked at the shorter country and shrugged, "sure I don't mind."
   They both hopped out of bed, Phil trying to forget last night and Kaz trying to remain awake. Phil pulled out a jacket three sizes too big for him and handed them to Kaz, "It's probably cold out." The taller of the two nodded and took the jacket even though he already had one with him, but he didn't care.
   After they had gotten dressed (with a few, casualties, of course) they headed downstairs. "Hey bro!" Phil said enthusiastically to Martial. "Hey- when did Kazakhstan get here?" They both blushed, "That doesn't matter! Anywho we're going out to get coffee." Martial Law stared blankly at them. "So you two are going on a date?"

Why do we try? ((KazaPhil countryhuman fanfic)) [2019 version]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें