chapter 1- today's gonna be a good day

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*Phillipine's pov*

I got up out of bed, still tired, and as I had started to stretch as one does after waking up Martial walked into my room. He sighed and said, "You can't keep doing that, anyways hurry up. Dad's made waffles and eggs." He walked out and left me alone in my cold ass room.
I got dressed in a white decorative hoodie and tucked the bottom into my shorts, don't ask about my fashion sense. I inhaled and put on a big smile, today was gonna be a good day.


*Kazakhstan's pov*

I woke up to being jumped on, I looked at my stomach and Bel was jumping on me. "Bel! I know you're exited but please don't *OOF* OW! Bel get off!!!" I shouted, Belarus had started to get off me but hurt...ya know. She's only 6 but she should know better.
  I got off of my bed and got dressed in some ripped jeans and a turtleneck sweater, making sure to cover my wings. Today's gonna be a good day, I can feel it!

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