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Damon had long since passed the road that led to home, wherever "home" was at this point. He was on the road to nowhere, or rather to just anywhere. A part of him was still advising him to avoid the public eye, but the other part of him knew that it really didn't matter anymore.

He felt too low to even care about it. What would it matter if he was spotted again, got another camera in his face, got asked even more questions than before? His heart hurt. Everything hurt. His emotions were a whirlpool inside his mind, filled with sorrow, anger (toward himself), fear, regret. So much regret.

Letting out a deep sigh, he continued his walk through a narrow alleyway when he suddenly heard rapid footsteps behind him.

"Well! Look who it is!"

It was the last voice on Earth he'd wanted to hear.

Stopping in his tracks, instantly filled with annoyance, he turned around to meet the voice.

"What the fuck do you want, Noel?"

He shrugged, that familiar smirk resting on his face as he stepped forward. "Good to see you too. Can I have your autograph, Mr. Albarn?"

Damon cringed at the words he's heard a billion times that sounded ten times worse coming from Noel's mocking tone. "Piss off, will you?"

Instead, Noel did the opposite. "I knew I'd recognized you from somewhere when we'd met! You were in that film that Coxon always talked about!"

It was like an arrow went straight through his heart at the mention of Graham, reminding him of the events that had just occurred. But the sorrow was replaced with more annoyance as he just turned back around and started walking.

"You know," Noel was still talking. "I thought it was odd when last night, right after you'd left, a bunch of blokes with cameras came round and asked me which way Damon had gone." He recounted, which caused Damon to once again stop all movement. "But now it makes sense! You were famous this whole time!"

Damon was frozen as the realization seeped into his mind. Suddenly, words from last night were echoing back into his memory.

"You're a cunt! And I'll fucking get you for that!"

Connecting the dots, he turned back around, his hands shaking.

"So that's...That's how they found me! I-It was you!" His voice was raising in volume as his fist clenched. "You told them where I was!"

"I just said which direction you went. They found you all on their own." He was acting oddly nonchalant, like it wasn't even that big of a deal to him.

This didn't make Damon feel any better. "Cut the shit! This is your fault!"

"My fault?" Noel scoffed, as if the accusation only amused him. He just shrugged, barely fazed. "Maybe it would've gone a bit better had you not hid everything from everyone. Just an idea, mate."

Damon didn't want to believe it was true. Damon wanted to believe that the events of last night were out of his control, that although he tried, they caught up to him in the end. Just because that's the way life was.

But the truth was that he'd barely tried at all.

He'd drawn too much attention to himself when he fought Noel. It was a bad idea from the very beginning. One of the press had to have seen him. That's why they asked Noel where he went once he'd left. Of course Noel was all too willing to tell them. What was stopping him?

But that wasn't his only mistake.

It was a mistake getting acquainted with anyone at all. It was a mistake not even doing what he'd came to do in the first place; to hide away. It was a mistake to sneak out his window that night, walk into that bar and see that band perform. It was a mistake to see Graham play guitar and know instantly he never wanted to go back.

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