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The late-afternoon sunlight illuminated the room as it poured in from the window. Under the light sat Damon and Jamie, facing each other from where they sat on their beds, engaged in a conversation that they weren't able to have the previous night.

"So, basically," Jamie recounted. "You went...to a bar, and met some sort of indie band." He raised an eyebrow.

Damon nodded as he excitedly shared the story. "Didn't quite catch what their band name was, now that I think about it."

"Right." Jamie nodded, smiling a bit at the other boy's excitement. "And they invited you to come see them play again tonight?"

Damon nodded rapidly again. "I might be becoming friends with a band! That's never happened to me before."

"That's not true, remember that girl group in France that wanted your autograph?"

He shuddered at the mention. "That doesn't count."

Jamie snickered. "Oi, didn't one of them want you to sign her-"

"I don't need you to remind me!" Damon covered his face with his hands, causing Jamie to laugh.

"Tell me about the band you met, what were they like?" He then inquired, actually sounding interested.

His head immediately came back up, a look of excitement occupying his eyes. "They seemed like fairly nice blokes. There's the bass player, he's called Alex, and then the drummer, I think his name was Dave, and...then there's Graham, of course." His voice trailed off, a sudden faraway look in his eyes. When he said the name, he could see the boy in his mind, shyly pushing up his glasses and holding his guitar case. He smiled to himself. What a memory.

Jamie raised an eyebrow, a mischievous grin on his face. "What's his part in the act, standing around?"

Damon came back from his thoughts to glare at him, a light blush on his cheeks. "I'll have you know, he's the guitarist, and a pretty good one at that."

Jamie looked confused. "Well, who's the singer?"


"Don't they have a vocalist?"

He shook his head slowly when he suddenly remembered. "They never mentioned one, so...I guess not." He shrugged.

"Oh, really?" He said the words as if he were suddenly thinking of something. The smile never waned from his face. "What if it were you?"

Damon's eyes widened. "Are you joking?! I couldn't do that!"

"Why not? You like singing, don't you? You did it for a movie once." It was clear he wasn't kidding.

He stared at the floor. "Well, I do, but..." He looked back up, shaking his head. "I'm not good enough to be in a band, Jamie."

"I don't know about that," he shook his head. "You always have had a thing for music." He shrugged. "That's enough, isn't it?"

He thought for a moment. He thought back to the days where he only wanted to play music, to be in a band. Something he'd always wanted to do since he was a kid.

It wasn't too late, was it?

"Well," he thought aloud. "Maybe I could think about it."

He still didn't feel entirely confident with that statement. With all the stress on his mind of practically being in hiding from the public eye, could he handle being in a band? What if they actually began to get popular? Would that just create more trouble? Or would it be a nice change of pace from the fame he was used to?

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