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The view from the window overlooking the night sky looked the same as it ever did.

Sure, the window, resting on his bedroom wall, its crimson curtains pulled to the side, gently allowing the evening glow of the city lights to pour in is a lovely sight the first couple times you see it, but after seeing it every night since they'd been here, Damon couldn't help but get bored of it.

But he wasn't paying that much attention at the moment.

Swiftly, he dug through his cluttered dresser drawers for something he could put on; something casual. Something inconspicuous. He settled on a light gray t-shirt and some faded jeans; the kind of outfit he only wore indoors.

He wasn't sure why he was so nervous. He'd been planning tonight for a while; and it was a mostly foolproof plan; but his heart couldn't help but beat quicker and quicker with each step he took.

"Not too late to forget about it, Damon." a voice belonging to a boy sitting on the edge of Damon's bed spoke up. Was it that noticeable that he was beginning to worry about it?

"But it's certainly too early to talk like that," he muttered back as he got his t-shirt on. "I've been telling you about it for days, Jamie!"

Jamie shook his head. "Mum wouldn't be happy at all if she found out, you know."

Damon furrowed his eyebrows at him. "I'd only be out for an hour or two." Once he'd fully changed into his comfortable clothes, he looked around the room for a decent pair of shoes, still continuing the conversation as he roamed around the room. "What's gonna happen if she finds out, anyways, is she gonna have me imprisoned?"

"That'd be quite the messy picture," he admitted. "I can see the headline. 'Famous movie star Damon Albarn gets life sentence for staying out past his bedtime'."

"It's called a curfew, mind you!"

It sounded silly when put that way, but in reality, Damon had actually never tried going out that late before. In all his nearly 18 years of existing, he'd only ever gone out during the hours of the day, usually with the others in his family, which he quickly grew to dislike. He never got very far without cameras being flashed in his face, people with microphones shouting questions at him. It was enough to give you a lifetime of anxiety. But he supposed it was just something that came with being him, with being so popular, something that was definitely both a blessing and a curse.

Lastly, he put on a light jacket to complete his outfit, and finally he was ready.

"Well, how do I look?
"Could be worse."

With that being said, Damon made his way to the window and began to try and open it.

"Now this is the part I don't get," Jamie commented, standing beside him. "Can't you just go out the normal way?"

"What way is that?"

"I don't know, the door?"

Damon laughed. "Waltz right out the fucking front door at 10 o'clock at night? Yeah, Mum totally won't hear me or anything." The latches on those windows had to be made of pure steel. After a moment of clawing at them, they finally came loose, allowing him to lift it upwards. The night air carried a light breeze in through the now open entrance as Damon looked down at the ground below.

The window wasn't that high from the ground. It wouldn't be much of a struggle to get down.

Setting his hands on the windowsill, he turned his gaze to Jamie. "You're gonna cover for me, aren't you?"

"Oh, yeah, um..." Jamie leaned against the wall, glancing up at the ceiling to try and remember what he'd previously been told. "Oh. If Mum asks about you, tell her you're asleep."

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