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The careful sneak back home from Graham's house was harrowing. It was dangerous, nerve wracking, riskier and riskier with each fragile step.

Which is strange, because it was quiet the entire way and he didn't see or hear anyone else the whole time.

It was his mind making all the noise.

It felt like a century, the process of getting to sleep, once he had gotten himself home in one piece. But when sleep finally came, Damon found refuge in his bed, in his house, his room, the seemingly only place where the outside world couldn't get to him.

It was nice while it lasted.

Of course it didn't last.

A swift shake from an outside source crouching down next to him awoke him, his eyes fluttering open as a voice spoke in a language he couldn't well comprehend while tired.


Oh, it was just him.

A yawn escaped from Damon, who brought a hand up to cover his mouth. "What time is it, Jamie?"

"Not that late," he replied. "Not that early either, though. I've got something you may need to see." Jamie held out what looked to be a thick stack of papers with several inscriptions and photographs on the front.

Damon set his eyes on the object, his vision still blurry and his mind clouded from being woken up. "That's a newspaper, Hewlett."

"Sure is." He agreed. "But look at the front."

Damon sat up straighter, his back resting against the wall, squinting his eyes to try and interpret the paper. His mind cleared somewhat to where he could begin to understand what exactly he was being shown.

Sitting plain as day in the center of the front page was a single photograph depicting two boys sitting behind a window. One boy had his hand on the other's cheek and looked as if he were leaning in to kiss him.

Then it hit him.

Praying he was wrong, hoping with all his might he was mistaken, he looked over to the article of text next to the image.

"Up and coming star Damon Albarn was finally spotted in our city after being seen at a bar getting into a quarrel with musician Noel Gallagher, member of local band Oasis. After leaving the scene he was then found at the home of another musician, later identified as Graham Coxon. The status of their relationship is unknown but the photo captured raises speculation over the subject."

Every bit of air he had to get a word out had been sucked away immediately. Suddenly, the room was cold. Freezing. And suddenly he wasn't tired anymore. The shock moved aside to make room for panic as Damon's heart began to race. "Th-...That's...How the fuck did they get that?!"

Jamie shook his head, concern in his eyes. "Damon, what happened last night?"

He couldn't answer. His mind was thinking a million things a minute, going faster than the speed of light. "No, no, no, no, this is bad, this is very bad."

"Damon, just calm down a second."

Not only did they now know he was here, his face was plastered on the front page about to kiss someone. A male someone. A thing that was widely frowned upon. He could already hear the questions arising. Questions about him. As if it's any of their business anyway.

He looked over to see Jamie now sitting next to him. "Listen, Damon-"

"Everything's ruined, Jamie!" He snapped in a voice louder than he'd originally intended. "I should've known this would never work. God, I'm so stupid! And Graham..."

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