Spiderman and Scarlet Witch

Start from the beginning

" It's small," you shrug.

Tom smiles and sits on your bed, " It's cool. Now I can get a better sense of who you are," his eyes dart over the books on your shelves.

Stomach flipping, you suddenly feel vulnerable having Tom in your room.

Your phone buzzes in your jacket pocket and there's a text from your mom, asking when you'll be home. You gulp.

" Um, my mom just asked when I'm coming home... I'll have to sneak out and make out that I got back through the front door."

" What if they find out I'm here. Would they mind?"

" I don't know if they'd mind. They seem to like you anyway, they're fans," you shrug, " But um, we'll just keep it quiet, because of that Agent," your lips purse.

" Yeah, the less they know, the safer they'll be," Tom nods sagely.

Opening your door a crack, you hear the TV blaring from the living room. Creeping down the hall, you tiptoe to the front door. Glancing over your shoulder, you can see the glow of the TV and your parents hidden from view. Holding your breath you slowly open the door, then shut it loudly. Straightening up you walk towards the living room, like Tom had just dropped you off after your date- instead of climbing you through your window! Your parents are curled up on the sofa, watching... Spiderman Far from Home. Oh, God.

" Hey guys," You step into the living room. Both of your parents jump. 

" Jesus! You scared us, we didn't hear you come in," Your mom gasps, a hand over her heart.

" Didn't you? I slammed the door, but I guess the TV is pretty loud... Are you guys watching Spiderman?"

Your Dad shrugs sheepishly, and your mom silently pauses the movie.

" Why are you watching Spiderman? Is it because you met Tom?"

Your mom clears her throat, ignoring your question," So, how did your date go?"

Images of the bar bursting into flame, and Agent Wilson flinging knives at you race through your mind.

" It was great, good," you gulp, hands twisting nervously.

" That's great honey! What did you two get up to?" Your mom asks, a grin on her face.

" Well we had dinner, some drinks and talked, he's so nice. Really down to earth," heat crawls up your cheeks as you remember making out with Tom on his sofa.

" Will you be seeing him again?" Your father pipes up.

" Yeah, I really like him."

" That's good, you have to invite him for dinner sometime this week."

" I'm sure he'd like that," you smile.

" Well he's better than that idiot you dated, what's his name? Y/EX/N. Never liked him. At least this Tom fellow has his head screwed on right, has a successful career and everything," your dad says. You roll your eyes at the mention of your ex. Neither your best friend or your parents liked him, which was a sure indicator that he was a dud.

" Ok, guys, well I'm going to go to bed now. I'm super tired."

" Ok, did you finish your essay?" Your mom asks.

You freeze. Crap! You'd planned on finishing it later tonight when you got back from your date with Tom. But after everything that's happened you completely forgot about it. Luckily, you only have to tidy up a few paragraphs and make sure the reference list is accurate. You make a mental note to get up earlier in the morning to finish it.

" Yep," you lie, guilt squirming in your belly.

" Excellent, well goodnight Y/N."

You turn around, cursing inwardly about your essay. Heading back down the hall to your room you quietly shut the door. Tom's on your bed looking through a copy of The bell jar, a grin on his face.

" What is it?" you ask.

" I heard everything, that you and your parents said."

Heat flushes up your cheeks, " Really?"

" Yeah," Toms eyes meet yours.

" But, we were in the living room."

" It must be a Spiderman thing," Tom puts the book back on the shelf, and walks over to you until he's standing in front of you ," I really like you too, Y/N."

Your heart skips a beat, " You weren't meant to hear that, Tom... I know it's really soon and sudden-"

" It's not, I feel the same way. We've gone through things that most people don't go through, ever, and it's created this bond between us that I've never felt before..." Tom trails off, his hand gently brushes your face as he tucks a lock of hair behind your ear. You gulp, losing yourself in warm chocolate eyes. Suddenly a wave of dizziness hits you, causing you to sway.

" Woah," Tom grips your arm, steadying you. " Are you ok? Maybe you should sit down?" Tom guides you to your bed and you climb in, the dizziness disappearing, now that you're off your feet.

" I think I'm just super tired after everything," you say, watching Tom climb in next to you. He scoots closer, and you're hyper aware of his body heat and the fact the you are both in your bed together.

" This night was so crazy," you mutter. Toms arm wraps around you, making you lean into him. You smile at how warm and comfortable he feels.

" Not exactly how I pictured our first date."

You chuckle, "No definitely not."

" Do you think that Agent will come after us?"

" No, I think we'll be able to end him if he does. I'm getting better control of my abilities and you're... Spiderman now."

" Yeah... but that means the Tom Holland from the Marvel Universe is gone," you feel Toms shoulders slump and you look at him, his face downcast.

" Hey, it's not your fault. Once Scarlet Witch is strong, we'll have him returned to his universe ok."

Tom nods. You lean into his chest and you feel his head rest on yours, " I don't think we can go to the police or anyone. If they let that Agent do that to us, then we can't trust anyone... They'll hunt us and we can't stay in your room forever," he murmurs.

" We'll think of something. I'm pretty sure we can fight them off. But for tonight I think my house is as safe as it's going to get, that agent didn't know who I was, until he asked for my name."

" Yeah."

You look up at Tom again, his eyes meeting yours, a lock of caramel hair falls. He's so gorgeous. Suddenly, his lips are on yours and you're back's against your pillows. Your arms wrap around his neck as Tom kisses you. You feel the gentle press of his body against yours, igniting a yearning so strong you gasp. He drops feather light kisses on your neck and you have to fight the urge to rip his shirt off.

" Tom," you gasp.

" Yeah?" His head lifts up.

" As much as I want to do this... Is it okay if we wait a little bit, before we move things to the next level? I don't want to rush things", your stomach flips nervously, awaiting his reaction.

Tom's eyes widen," Of course! We don't have to do anything you don't want too. I hope I haven't made you uncomfortable? We can take all the time you need."

Your heart warms and you smile, " No you haven't made me uncomfortable. Believe me I want to, but I just think it's a good idea if we take our time. I've, um, only ever been with one other person so... I just want to wait a bit."

Tom smiles, " That's ok. We'll take all the time you need."

For a minute you both sit there smiling warmly at each other. You break the ice, "But that doesn't mean we can't stop kissing."

" Well then I'll kiss you, until you beg me to stop," Tom smirks.

" Good," your arms wrap around Toms neck, his lips crashing onto yours. 

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