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Kwon Soonyoung is a dance teacher at a small studio and works as a part timer while going to highschool, he's a senior in highschool. He works at the dance studio to teach kids because he needs the money.

When he was little his dad and mom fought a lot. His dad would always use their family's money to drink. his mom worked day and night trying to get back the money his father spent.

One day his dad was in a great debt, trying to pay back the debt his mother became very ill. Soon his mom died and Soonyoung started living alone and started working at the studio he's now working at. But it wasn't that easy, his fathers debt was too large, eventually his whole house was taken away.

Right now Kwon Soonyoung is outside sitting on the bench next to the park with his luggage. Nowhere to go, and all alone.

"argh...Jeonghan! i missed you. why are you so cold aha ha h-" Soonyoung saw a guy talking to a street lamp. He looked very drunk. The guy started walking really unsteady and suddenly tripped over something, although nothing was on the ground

Soonyoung hurriedly got up and helped him get up " are you ok?" he asked while lifting him up. He didn't answer. It seems like he fell asleep. Soonyoung groaned and thought to himself 'when the fuck did i get this unlucky istg'

"did you just swear to god?" the sudden voice made him jump "when did u wake up?" "oh i just heard someone say istg" soonyoung felt really weirded out but just nodded.

He was now sitting next to Soonyoung on the bench, the taller brought his hands up to Soonyoungs forehead and placed his index finger right in the center.

Soonyoung was obviously freaked out by the sudden action, he was giving the taller ' the fuck are you doing' look. But he ignored his gaze "what are you doing here anyways, should little kids go home and sleep at this time"

it was silent for a moment. Soonyoung broke the quietness and started "i have nowhere to go, my dad was in debt and we couldn't pay it off so they took our house and kicked me out"

the guy seemed to be in deep thoughts "hey! are you even listening" complained soonyoung " i know a place where you could stay, you can trust me. i have a friend that needs someone just like you" the guy said standing up "but i don't even know you"

"oh i'm sorry my name is Seungcheol. Choi Seungcheol. and here take this" he handed soonyoung a folded piece of paper "this will help you find the place, i made it myself" seungcheol said putting both his arm next to his hip looking very proud of himself.

Soonyoung opened the paper to only look at a drawing that looks like a two year old drew "how the hell am i supposed to read this??" he said looking up but it was silent again. Seungcheol was nowhere to be seen.

Soonyoung shrugged it off and smiled to the thought of sleeping on a soft big bed instead of a hard wooden bench.


Soonyoung had arrived the place Seungcheol told him about. But there was a long stairway waiting for him. Soonyoung groaned and started making his was up. After minutes of walking up he finally reached the top. He didn't see any building or a house like imagined, only a big old shrine.

"wait, after all that long walk it was a fucking shrine ? He tricked me " he said angrilythe shrine was old and dirty. it had a big letters on the top saying 'Pleiades Shrine' Soonyoung had no choice but to enter since he had nowhere to go.

He slowly approached the big door and knocked twice. There was no answer so he decided to open it himself. It wasn't locked so he invited himself in "hello?...anyone in here" he stepped in quietly to the dark shrine "um.. Seungcheol..told me to come here"

there was no sign of a living thing in the shrine it was dead silent. It gave soonyoung chills. the only light source was the moonlight from the two large window next to the sides of the door. Although it was dark the black haired boy could see another door in front of him.

before he could even take a step, the door slammed open itself and bright light appeared inside. a large black shadow was coming out, but soonyoung was too scared to move. the black figure came even closer but every time it took a step it shrank. when the figure was finally visible to the humans eyes his eyes widened and mouth opened


was the only thing that came out of his mouth.

i hope y'all r sleeping regularly cuz sis i just finished writing this at 2am.
you better sleep well and eat a good breakfast. yes you. if u don't i'll come and hunt u in ur dream with a carrot🥰

 if u don't i'll come and hunt u in ur dream with a carrot🥰

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